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Housemates using AW showing as alias's. Please help
Hi Guys
Me and a housemate are currently both using aw. Im seeking and she does webcam etc etc. I mailed her on the site and by chance discovered im showing up with three alias's.

Now im guessing as we access the same internet line, and on occasion the same pc that could account for two alias's

However it shows 3!! when we click on it, it just disappears so we cant tell what the actual alias names are. Its a complete pain. There is a possibility its an old account I had years ago thats making up the 3rd alias but I simply cant remember (been a member for years).

Anyone got any ideas on what to do? so i can get rid of these alias's. I dont want to stop using aw but im not getting any help there

Kindest regards

I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Most decent girls don't really worry unless one of the aliases has negative feedback...
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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As Trinity says, I don't worry unless neg feedback. I do webcam, hubby is seeking, I have a friend who visits and we cam on her account from here etc so hubby has aliases but all with good reason. I hope most people understand the the aliases thing can be complicated and not to assume the worst.
So relax about it. xx

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