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not having sound
I can't think of anything less sexy - or convenient then having to type whilst I'm wrist deep in sloppy bits!

It is impossible to capture every gasp, whimper & scream of delight in the written medium which is why it is so popular.

My hardware are similarly grateful that I work in this way!
I have tried with and without sound and it made zero difference to my earnings... Although they are probably minuscule compared to what KDB earns.. Xx
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I prefer to have sound without a doubt. Most of the guys i get like to hear the filth flowing from my mouth and i also prefere to have sound, so much easier than having to type whn your in the middle of something.

Also find the same with phone, some guys want phone in pvt but then juggerling a phone, removing clothes and sticking vibes in all manor of places can be a bit of a pain

If i work evenings i can't have sound most of the time but tend to do free in the evenings so the guys know in advance that they will be getting a show with no audio.............If you get the right people you can do very well without sound, but from my experience, definalty do much better with sound than without it
(28-05-2012, 14:42)kinkydirtybitch Wrote: I can't think of anything less sexy - or convenient then having to type whilst I'm wrist deep in sloppy bits!

I can type with my toes Big Grin

I'd happily never offer audio ever if I could get away with it. For someone who, in person, can talk for Scotland, on cam I am rather silent. I put this down to the fact you're mainly speaking to a message board and it's always a rather odd silent conversation worse so when you really are talking to yourself.

Also I am not sexually vocal on my own and never, yes I've had 4 years of practice, mastered the fake moans.. I just cant.

but those crazy horny boys love my voice so hey ho audio is there. Big Grin
Stop Escorting Summer 2013 so Book while you still can!
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I'm not naturally vocal sexually, I had to let myself go and be more expressive! Guys do prefer it...very few don't have sound themselves.

Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
I used to offer DirectCam without sound and I did very well despite it. It was too awkward at the time to have sound at home and I also felt quite shy about making sex noises etc. I did used to get guys asking if I had sound and when I said no, they left but there always seemed to be more to take their place. I haven't cammed now since last September, but I'm planning to offer DirectCam again from this week and I will be trying out sound, so watch this space!
I only offer sound in private to be honest it's never been used haha. I've only ever been asked once about sound from a client and he didn't seem to mind that it wasn't available in group. The few times I have been on cam I've made around £250 in approx 3 hours without using sound so I'd say it probably doesn't matter... men are very visual creatures Wink
Twitter: @AdultworkMiss

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It may depend on the kind of show you're giving...
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx

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