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Recommend it to a friend ?
So would you or have you recommended your hobby/profession to a friend. As a punter I wouldn't as all three of my closest friends are married or in long term relationships and to put that in jeopardy by being found out is IMO a risk too big to take, my friends know I pay for sex and when I first started I made the mistake of showing them the profiles/ads of some of the women I'd seen and one of my friends started showing more interest and asked more questions.......I knew he was considering it himself and I knew it was my fault, I think I did a pretty good job of talking him out of it and as far as I know he never did but for that reason I now only discuss the matter in general terms.

As for recommending it to those who turn up on forums who are thinking about it and want to know more well that very much depends on certain factors, for instance I really don't think it's right for younger men (late teens, early twenties) they should be practising their social skills and whether that leads to a knock back, a kiss goodnight at her front door or a one night stand it's all valuable experience, as I've already said I wouldn't recommend it to those in relationships unless those relationships are sexless, just about the only guys I would recommend it to are those in my position, divorced and middle aged but even then with a can easily get addicted to the lifestyle it's a whole new world and I love it but I know that I'm missing out in lots of ways because I'm not in a relationship so just occasionally I ask myself if I've made the right choice and the answer has always been yes but for those who really crave all the benefits of relationships and are perhaps looking at paying for sex as simply a stop-gap measure well they should think long and hard before taking the plunge as they might find it a hard habit to break.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.

I'd not recommend it as such, I'd let them find out about it themselves, if they then asked for advice or support I'd provide information that could help them - especially safety and legality stuff which is often misunderstood.

Athletic, elegant, lingerie, kink and fetish indulger. Webcam, Chat, outcall focused to homes or hotels in the Barrow-in-furness, South Lakes area and beyond

Only my partner and 2 close friends know that I webcam. I wouldn't actively encourage people to cam as I don't want people on the school run pointing fingers and whispering about me in corners! However in general conversation, if the subject of camming or escorting came up, I'd encourage them to look at things from all angles, not just the money. If it was something they wanted to pursue, as long as I felt they'd thought about it properly I'd support their decision.

L x
Good answers, even though IMO these are jobs like any other there are without doubt some very big issues to consider before going ahead and I can see you both feel it's important that anyone thinking about doing it fully understands the potential pitfalls first and perhaps it's simply not possible to give someone a straight yes or no answer if you were asked whether you would recommend it or not.
I'm really not bothered I like League One.


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