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escorts or parlours.
I punt with escorts and use parlours, and see the differance between both.

I realise the escort works alone and does much more than just turn up as some ladies who work in parlours do, and can appreciate the extra work they put in.

But though there does not seem to be any change in the service that escorts give, I have noticed there does seem to be a differance in what is provided by the parlour ladies, for a start kissing is less or not available at all, and when you go for a gfe that is not going to earn many a rave review.

There are a few things that make me go into parlours, its a back-up for when the escort booking does not work due to time wasting, or the escort trying to make the appointment differant than the time I had asked for, ( as was the case a few weeks ago, a change by two hours which happened on the morning of the date) so yes the parlour does have its place, its a back up but comes a poor second.

It's kind of horses for courses.

Neither is better, it just depends what you are looking for.

There is a place for both and some guys will, I guess, prefer one or the other because that is the type of experience which suits his needs and with which he is comfortable.

I'm not sure what your question is, to be honest... or what the point you are trying to make is.

Are you suggesting that parlour girls are somehow "not as good" (what ever the fuck that means) as escorts?

Because I think there are many who would take issue with that....
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Im not saying that Parlour ladies are second class or anything like that, just that they dont have the time that Escorts do to see to clients, as they tend to be more rushed, but some of them still manage to give just a good service as you would get from an escort.

The point I was making, is that escorts seem to provide a more varied service, especially when it comes to the gfe type of booking.

I dont know if the parlour puts pressure on them to get the punters in and out quickly, or if the ladies themself's think if they dont DFK, they can charge it as an extra, or make someone think its a special for them and gets them to return, either way it appears to becoming more and more of a no no in some parlours.
I have seen some really great ladies in parlours I was fortunate enough to be well liked once and the parlour used to let me know when they had a new girl starting

I do prefer indies but only a few of them there are so many that are just in it for the money and take no pride in what they do.
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