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Dailypay service & edited
Hi, just confirming, edited.

All payout abilities have been disconnected & I'm wondering what's going on Sad

Many thanks, Natalie
Hi, we dont post personal / revealing details on the forums sorry, I have edited them from the post.

There are thousands and thousands of members and only 1 of me (for customer service work) so communication can be delayed at times but one or two days is nothing in this field and all is on track, currently the account is being setup faster than most others who wait months to join.

Link sent in mail to connect your bank account to the service then thats everything setup.

The form to request payout is in the email and account can be set to auto weekly payout at anytime if needed also. I believe all VAT has been completed on the account also so all going great at the moment.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

awwww thank you & many apologies for the error with details :o

My very bad error, won't happen again & no problem, no rush, understanding you're busy. I'll stay patient & thank you for putting me at ease!

Go DailyPay! Very kind, considerate & reliable! You have my reference! Thank you!

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