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Direct IM
I tried to do direct IM but as Im on safari the site I was given to use simply wont connect for me so still not managed to actually get online to even try it, bit of a bummer but...
Loose morals, tight fanny…isn't that enough?
Giving IM a go as I've got a bad cough/cold thing, don't want to turn guys off by coughing and spluttering my way through a camshow!

What I can't work out though is where is the list of people available for IM, or do you only get people if they come across your profile and see that you are on IM?
Hi, click here

then click Online Now - Directcam tab.

Then the far right hand one, Chat Only - DirectIM
UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

I find IM isn't really looked at ever, because so many other girls have cam etc on Undecided
Bethh Heart Angel Teen Escort & Camgirl in Brighton
(28-02-2016, 16:52)Bethh Wrote: I find IM isn't really looked at ever, because so many other girls have cam etc on  Undecided

After about five years of being a webcam regular I picked up enough clients to do IM seven days a week and still earn well on top of face to face meetings.

Like all things some work for some, some less so I guess.

(28-02-2016, 13:04)MissSophieGreen Wrote: Giving IM a go as I've got a bad cough/cold thing, don't want to turn guys off by coughing and spluttering my way through a camshow!

What I can't work out though is where is the list of people available for IM, or do you only get people if they come across your profile and see that you are on IM?

There's a window on the left hand side, half way down on the homepage which shows the profile pictures of those offering free chat. If offering free chat it's a fairly good way to pick up gallery / clip sales from the curious who see you first over those not offering free chat. Downside is if nobody offers freechat the box disappears off the home page.
Thanks for your replies.
Wouldn't it make more sense to have a tab along the top next to webcam & phone chat!

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