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hello can you hear me?
Hey Ladies

the US ladies I work with have a new toll free number for the UK -
it goes to a main line and then the callers dial an extension and it forwards to our homes/cells in the US.

but it doesnt seem to be forwarding right Sad The calls come to me, but when they need to go to back up she doesnt get a ring

wondering if anyone here who is in UK can call a few times to test it?

please IM me on yahoo

will send you $5 paypal for your time Smile
(10-08-2011, 00:42)sweetestmelinda Wrote: Hey Ladies

the US ladies I work with have a new toll free number for the UK -
it goes to a main line and then the callers dial an extension and it forwards to our homes/cells in the US.

but it doesnt seem to be forwarding right Sad The calls come to me, but when they need to go to back up she doesnt get a ring

wondering if anyone here who is in UK can call a few times to test it?

please IM me on yahoo

will send you $5 paypal for your time Smile

thank you so very much Sassy Ann for trying to call Smile nice chatting with you for a moment ! we still have not figured out why its forwarding to me and not to my friend's house Sad but you calling was a big help in figuring it out Smile
is her line busy when its trying to forward mel
No promblemski, Mel. I was up anyway!
Mel, how do you make money if they are dialling an 0800 number?
did u get it sorted mel

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