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hiya ladies!!!!! its been a while ive been a busy beast!

i wanted to ask,...ive had a client today use poppers and he wouldnt leave the subject of me never using them, and almost to the point of forcing them on me,....but obviously never got that far

has anyone used these before or do you let your clients use them?

i dont do drugs by any measure, jesus i dont even smoke...
stick to your guns, next time you get a client that suggests it you could suggest they leave, it might get their attention!
As a sub who is quite heavily into the BDSM scene I have used poppers in the past. I love them myself. But I agree that no one should force them on to another individual. So it's good that you stuck to your guns in this instance. If you are curious then would probably be best you tried one on your own (i.e. your decision) without feeling obliged to for the sake of a client. Anyway, those are just my two cents worth.
i agree with latex, i had one who had opened a few of them just as i arrived on a outcall made me sick
Hiya Tink. Never had one. Don't fancy it.
I once had a puff on a spliff with a client, and it all went horribly wrong, so never again.
haha oh sassy,....

well whats it like? i mean if its not really worth it why bother haha
The spliff was a nightmare, cos I suddenly got hungry and went downstairs and brought up some panna cottas. I then took about an hour to eat mine, exclaiming over it's deliciousness and not believing he could have eaten his so quickly. Then every time he shagged me or kissed me, I said 'I love you' then I'd say 'No I don't, it's the drugs, it's the drugs.' like a demented Quasimodo. I also tried to shag him whilst he slept. Not a good move. I'm amazed he came back.
I won't ever have one again with a client!
You should have listened to the cast of Grange Hill Ann!
Never tried poppers or any other drugs as for that matter

i found your adventure with a bit of dope really funny Ann xx


As someone who has smoked a fair bit of the weed in my time, it is well worth leaving alone. Apart from the fact that it is addictive, it will lead to other things and, lets face it, you are better off being yourself and accepting your limitations, or in some cases, your achievements without such assistance.

I am glad I got off the weed; my ex girlfriend smoked loads of it, and still does I believe but she had problems with her mind and she is slowly going off her trolley - it was the reason she and I split as I coldnt get her off it. I couldnt stay either.

Well done Tink for sticking to your guns as well.
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