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i have my ipod docking station but unless i go upto within a inch of it never really know the time certain songs i have got to know the length of though
(27-07-2011, 23:30)CurvaceousKate Wrote: [ -> ]...Even then I would still be aware that we would need to use condoms and in control of my actions.
The guy I tried to shag in his sleep still had a condom on. I'd shagged him to a stand still and he hadn't taken it off. I think he called me a horny minx, or sex maniac or something completely unjustified.
Yuk he fell asleep with a condom still on?
Yep, I'd knackered him out! It didn't have anything in it, well, apart from his cock. He was still erect. He reckoned it didn't have an off switch.
(28-07-2011, 00:06)SassyAnn Wrote: [ -> ]Yep, I'd knackered him out! It didn't have anything in it, well, apart from his cock. He was still erect. He reckoned it didn't have an off switch.

I always take the condom off and clean them with a wet wipe and put all the dirty bits and pieces in a nappy bag. I can't imagine leaving it there and not helping taking it off. I guess that must be the virgo in me.

Just as well it was there though. I like cocks that don't have an off switch and repeaters are even better.
We'd been at it for hours and changed condoms several times. I was just carrying on... not realising he was about to go to sleep. Hey ho. Lovely guy though.
ah I thought you said he was asleep and you started up. That is the problem with forums, stuff is open to interpretion. I had a vision that you had both had a little nap and you woke up randy (which is something I tend to do) and then started again while he was fast asleep.

It was more a case of brain is tired and had enough, but his cock was still wanting to play against his will and you were still willing to take advantage of it.
(28-07-2011, 00:26)SassyAnn Wrote: [ -> ]I was just carrying on... not realising he was about to go to sleep. Hey ho. Lovely guy though.

At least you were on top, better than them falling asleep on top of you


PS Sat watching Must Love Dogs very funny
Very true Sarah!
I'll look out for the film, love doggy films.
well i dont intend on starting to take poppers,....haha no thanks, i just wanna know why people do it,...whats the turn on?

i dont do drugs never have done and i dont let people do them here,....i do remember one occasion where the booking had ended and i went into the bathroom and i came back to see the client doing lines of coke off of my blinking table!

i think thats a massive lack or respect if im honest and i havent seen him since,
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