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Found out my girlfriend is an escort...don't know what to do.
If anyone wants a giggle at the pictures of fizzyballs in his cam sessions pm me for the links. That's a hella lot of anger for such a skinny guy XD
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(23-05-2017, 17:30)Ana_X Wrote: If anyone wants a giggle at the pictures of fizzyballs in his cam sessions pm me for the links. That's a hella lot of anger for such a skinny guy XD
For the thousandth time that isnt me.
(23-05-2017, 17:26)English-Caroline Wrote: OK....... in your own words, you "are looking for genuine advice"

Well, here it is...

1. If you have a relationship problem, the person to talk with is YOUR GIRLFRIEND.

2. NEVER air your relationship problems on a public forum.

3. Never, and I mean NEVER use inflammatory language on a public forum. Never use disgusting language and devalue the very people you ask for help.

4. Never make generalisations about of any one group of people. You have said vile things about sex workers. You have been exceptionally vile in your posts.

5. Have the common sense and good grace to understand that you can't expect help from people when you choose to treat them in this way.

6. Understand when it is time to retreat,,, and consider yourself very lucky if no further action is taken on this matter.


First of all, I really don't recall saying anything disgusting sbout prostitutes...maybe some hard truths. The one who was saying pretty awful things was that other guy.

Secondly, take just one bloody minute and scroll down the first page of this thread, and you will see that I was being attacked and taken the piss out of before I had even said anything further than my original post...but oh, of course you dont see that do you because you will only defend your fellow WG even though they were the ones slandering and attacking and saying pretty nasty things about me first. Its pathetic.
Aww, I thought putting folk on ignore made them invisible to you. It just minimises their posts behind a click to view button.

He is, isn't he...... angry wee guy.
(23-05-2017, 17:33)Randomguy993 Wrote:
(23-05-2017, 17:30)Ana_X Wrote: If anyone wants a giggle at the pictures of fizzyballs in his cam sessions pm me for the links. That's a hella lot of anger for such a skinny guy XD
For the thousandth time that isnt me.

I posted a picture of myself yesterday for a short period of time. If you were not sharp enough to see it that isnt my problem.
You weren't attacked. You were given some 'hard truths' by Ana and you threw a tantrum.

And why don't YOU reread the thread because your comments on all the adult workers here have been vile. And you wonder why fellow girls are coming on here to defend the ones you have already been shameful too? Wake up.

I really don't know why you're still here. Just proving us right about you being an attention seeker as you have been told multiple times you won't get advice here for your so called relationship problems yet refuse to leave. Enjoying the limelight too much FizzyBalls.
Clearly you need help.... That is indeed what you claim you came here for.

Please read my posts and you will read that I have never once "defended" any particular person on this thread.

I am intelligent, educated and articulate enough to read and understand the entire thread.

You asked for advice. It was given to you in my last post!!!

And please remember that NOT ONE PERSON IS UNTRACEABLE ON A FORUM!!! Even with hidden IP addresses, "disposable" emails and proxy servers!!!

Just one more thing, regarding your reply to Ana....... "Random doth protest too much me thinks"
(23-05-2017, 17:45)MsClara_Wilde Wrote: You weren't attacked. You were given some 'hard truths' by Ana and you threw a tantrum.

And why don't YOU reread the thread because your comments on all the adult workers here have been vile. And you wonder why fellow girls are coming on here to defend the ones you have already been shameful too? Wake up.

I really don't know why you're still here. Just proving us right about you being an attention seeker as you have been told multiple times you won't get advice here for your so called relationship problems yet refuse to leave. Enjoying the limelight too much FizzyBalls.

Actually you and others were saying I am a cuck whatever that is and am just looking for attention and accusing me of doing this for a fantasy, and then Ana started accusing me of being this wierdo coke balls guy and everyone was taking the piss. All that was before I even started arguing back. I just think you people are horrible and I have defended myself fire on fire. Especially you, you in particular seem like a cold, nasty bitch with no values based on how youve talked to me. I would be suprised of anyone wanted anything to do with you past sex because your a nasty person.

This entire thread has just been a huge gang up.
Is he STILL whinging?
(23-05-2017, 17:47)English-Caroline Wrote: Clearly you need help.... That is indeed what you claim you came here for.

Please read my posts and you will read that I have never once "defended" any particular person on this thread.

I am intelligent, educated and articulate enough to read and understand the entire thread.

You asked for advice. It was given to you in my last post!!!

And please remember that NOT ONE PERSON IS UNTRACEABLE ON A FORUM!!! Even with hidden IP addresses, "disposable" emails and proxy servers!!!

Just one more thing, regarding your reply to Ana....... "Random doth protest too much me thinks"
What are you really going to do?? Get the police involved over a pit for pat argument on a forum?? I havnt threatened anybody, its been equal insult on both sides so what really are you going to do? Dont be pathetic and try to threaten me.

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