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Girls do you use lube before or during being with a client?

During a recent visit to the GUM clinic I was advised to always use a little bit of lub just on the inside of my pussy before each client. She didn't actually explain why, but I think it was to ensure that the condom did not come off or rip. The trouble is I keep forgetting and 9 times out of 10 I get really wet anyway, so no need (I think).

What do you girls do and boys, do you believe that the ladies are doing this that you have met, or are they like me and just rely on good old chemistry to get them wet?
I use lube for my wand after the first time I got carried away using it
I don't need it. I only tend to use lube for anal. It would be good to know why she said it though.
shy I'm the same as you, I get wet pretty easily truth be told. I will try and remember to ask her when I go back for my next lot of tests on the 22nd. If anyone wants to remind me the day before, I would appreciate it lol.
Of the 12 girls ive shagged in my personal life not one has ever lubed.

Of the 40ish escorts ive shagged, only a few of them im certain didnt use lube, a few im quite sure didnt use any, that leaves about 25-30 of them i think they probably used lube, a few of them did for sure.

Lube is a good sign that an escort is doing it only for the money, or she doesnt enjoy men/sex a lot. Its not like im some old, fat, bad breath and ugly bloke, im 30, average or slightly athletic appearance, average or/to good looking, always very clean, smell and taste nice, who loves some foreplay,licking pussy, and kissing - good at it.
Tom, the nurse told me to use it even if I get wet. I think there must be more to it than that.

I know in later life women tend to not get so wet, so I'm holding on to my wetness lol, like a sign of youth!

Perhaps it is just a precaution, in case the condom splits or comes off and it forms a barrier between any STI and the area it would infect? I'm not sure, so will really have to ask.

but yes it could also be an indicator that the lady is not enjoying it as much as you think, but I would not assume that the 30+ ladies you shagged that did use lube did not enjoy it, especially if they put it in before you entered the room.
I remember a 17 year old girl a fuck-buddy i used to see for a few months, used to do it almost every day in the back of my car, and every time... after a few strokes of penetration - OMFG at the STRONG smell! (on the nasty side) She got super super wet even when she was on top i could feel her juices dribbling down my length as she went up and that was within the first half a minute of sex, she orgasmed literally every time. She absolutely loved sex like it was going out of fashion the next day, minute even.

Her juices used to smell quite bad, was off putting for me. In the winter months i had to slyly discretely have the window open a bit to help the smell go out while we had sex.

Its weird because its not like she wasnt clean, she always had showers and looked after herself.
There might have been a chemical inbalance or something she was eating might have made a difference. I wonder if she still does?
I dunno, its been 9 years ago, last i heard shes settled down with long-term boyfriend and kids now.
Best not ask her if you see her then Tom lol

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