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VAT update
The VAT issue is between AW & The HMRC, not some arbitrary folly.
@missfilthy I agree completely, however no one knows very much about the huge mess that is VAT on digital services. There are absolutely huge grey areas. HMRC was telling me one thing and AW another at first! If AW WERE liable to charge VAT on things and they didn't, they would be paying back millions to the government and in fines later on. I can understand why they needed to cover themselves. Let's hope they've learned a lesson in so far as they need better advisors!!!
Perhaps they will waive the 30% admin fee for a week as a bit of compensation to us all.
yes I too can see why they had to cover themselves but I do think they need to get better advisers so it wouldnt of been so stressfull for all parties x
I wonder how much AW lost in that VAT period .
I d love to know

A lot I reckon if they were motivated to get it sorted .
I've just logged on to AW to try and read the update, can't find it under current status or what's new. Have only managed to get to it by following the link on their tweet. I remember when this VAT thing started we all had a message as soon as we logged in, wonder why they haven't done the same this time. It's really important information!!

Also seems a bit odd that the VAT has been removed from 1st Dec, it started on 1st October. I don't believe they got an answer on this yesterday and implemented the change today. Fair enough they will be refunding any overpayments, but that doesn't help us with the lower earnings over the past 2 months. I wonder how long ago they got the answer, and if implemented immediately, how many days we could have potentially benefitted from the change.

Don't get me wrong, I am so glad things are back to how they were, but yet again I don't think AW have gone about this quite the right way.
Not exactly a nurturing culture on AW is it ! Yet we are worth a large fortune to them.
They could at least pretend !!!!
I see under Help section via AW scroll down to Latest 10 articles / first two top right are related to service providers /services seekers removal of VAT that should shed bit more light however truth of the matter this will take time (hence the twitter latest update (Site will be offline Wednesday 2nd December between 04:00 AM and 06:00 AM UK time for essential maintenance. Apologies for the inconvenience) and we shall figure in due course as to how or what we have all learnt that much we could think of ten billion scenarios and in the end it will be what it will be but at least VAT is not a killer anymore.
It's great that they have sorted out the VAT (at last!) But I do wonder what happens to the credits that should be refunded to all the guys who have left the site? Hopefully, if they're unable to refund these particular guys then they'll put the money to some good use instead of pocketing it.

(01-12-2015, 22:49)Pixie Wrote: ...they'll put the money to some good use

Sounds like a great Xmas party for all the staff at AW HQ

Sarah x x x

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