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Someone Passing Off As Me (FatManFuck)
So I guess when your in this business, especially when your doing alright, people get envious/jealous and come after you, try and fuck things up for you...

I have been doing the adult work thing now for about 4 years, it started off just as my profile "FatManFuck" but over the last 2 years roughly I have worked with a lot of girls, and helped them to shoot content ect... forming our very own little group/network...

This as grown quite a bit over that time... and it appears as it has grown so as the malicious attacks on myself and the girls in the group, who continuously get harassment for being in my group :/

Just recently I had to get the police to investigate a troll who made accusations against me, pretty sick accusations at that...

I now find out that someone as set up an account on AW called fatman-fuck :/ I wonder what the purpose of this is ?! I can state that I have no association with this account, and have today messaged AW about it... I am concerned that who ever it is, is passing themselves off as me... and this could be very dangerous for other girls on AW... I have already messaged all the girls who work with us making it clear this profile is not me.

I thought I would post here, and a couple of other places, so hopefully people realise this account is nothing to do with me, and I would ask anyone who's been contacted by this profile to contact me if in any way they are passing themselves off as me :/


Thanks for posting this. It sounds like mabe they haveset the profile up to sell content and hope customers get confused between yours and their profile. There are some very malicious people in this industry
(05-05-2015, 12:28)FatManFuck Wrote: I now find out that someone as set up an account on AW called fatman-fuck :/ I wonder what the purpose of this is ?! I can state that I have no association with this account, and have today messaged AW about it... I am concerned that who ever it is, is passing themselves off as me... and this could be very dangerous for other girls on AW... I have already messaged all the girls who work with us making it clear this profile is not me.

OR... It could be quite innocent, there are many user-names that look sound the same, due to the amount of accounts being registered on AW

Do they have anything on the profile that indicates their intention?

It is wise to warn others in your group to make sure nobody gets confused, but I doubt AW would be able to do anything about the name without showing the person has intent to cause malice.

Sarah x x x
someone trying to be like you is seen as the greatest form of flattery, yes it can be so annoying but see it as a huge compliment rather than a negative, if this person is trying to be like you its because they can see you are doing a really good job, as long as your gals know they should be fine

if people do well its only natural that others are going to notice and will try to be the same, I had a girl who completely copied my profile word by word several years back (AW removed her ) and I've had another take similar wordings from my own ,yes its damn annoying but there isn't anything you can do about it unless they try and clone you then aw can do something about that, just keep an eye of them......

at the end of the day you are you and your success is because of you and the gals you work with, others may try and imitate but they never will be the same as you and your loyal customers will know this

kisses country-gal
I received a message of this fake account and he was being very rude

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