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facebook group for fake profiles daily updated
(Link removed)

please post all your information of fake profiles on is important to prevent wast time and money!
Why? What is the point? How is it a waste of money? just simply don't be stupid parting with your money so easily.

Your page states "this is group for war with site (admins) and stop on site fake profiles."

"war with site (admins)" Sounds very childish, how old are you?

Your copying and posting photos, without permission, and not giving any info on why you think they are fake, the site is open to abuse and anybody joining your group could post claiming a girl is a fake when she is not.

How long did it take you to think of such a stupid idea? Why not just go over and join the idiots on UKP? They spend their lives chasing fake profiles, that pic collectors love to buy pics from.

Sarah x x x
Theres more chance of me becoming a virgin christian than joining anything that any idiot with 1 post puts on this forum.

Sounds like someone's been turned down by a lady from Adultwork, don't you think girls??
Thank you for your insight ladies. Thread locked and link removed due to potentially encouraging abuse of genuine service providers.

If anyone is concerned about the authenticity of a profile on Adultwork, please use the report form which you can find by clicking 'authentic member?' At the bottom left of profiles. Thanks.

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