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not having sound
Hi guys. In your opinion how much does it matter if you can't offer sound in group or private?
I've had some trouble with my wireless connection in my usual room I use for camming. My cam freezes, my words don't come up on the screen and it drives me up the f***ing wall!
So I had to use the living room but I couldn't use sound as little people in bed. Don't worry we have lock on the door and kids don't get up once gone to bed Smile so not taking any risks.
So do you think it makes a difference?
Hi Hannah, would a long cable work for you? We lose internet speed with wireless at the best of times so I have my laptop plugged in when I cam, plus it saves losing the connection.
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
I think it would make a difference, by how much is anyones guess though. Clients can be quite understanding in this industry and regulars probably wont mind at all.

Members who search for rooms with audio might overlook your chatroom as its not on offer.
UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

It is abit better with sound. Some of the cammers play really loud annoying music tho!
I found it definately made a difference. I didn't used to offer sound as I take in ill people at home, until they are fit enough to live alone again. Guys would come in, and when I typed, and said I did not offer sound, they often left. I had my working room sound proofed. I have noticed a jump in my earnings. Before getting sound proofed, I tried offering sound and spoke rather quietly, sometimes the guys were happy, but sometimes not. Try the quiet talking near the mic, it will be better than no sound at all.
Good luck
Offering free phone may be an option if you can't have a wired connection in your usual's better than nothing unless even that would be too loud. I have a pay as you go phone that I just use for taking calls while camming and that works really well for the guys who want to talk to me too (gets tricky doing things one handed though!).

I have issues with being overheard at my usual place too...the bathroom is near the front door so I leave the extractor fan on for white noise and hope for the best! (It can't be heard while I'm camming as it's far enough away). I'm sure one of our neighbours will take my partner to one side one day and tell him I've been screaming out the names of other guys while he's been at work LOL.

I used to do free preview without sound and would often be asked if I had audio for group and private.
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
It definitely makes a difference to my earnings not offering sound. Almost within the first minute almost half of the guys ask if I do sound, when I say no almost all of them leave. Quite annoying when it is in capital letters in my DC splash profile that I do not offer sound and there is no speaker icon next to my rates.
It is something that I am prepared to live with though. I don't like making fake noises as if I am cumming and I don't swear which is what a lot of the guys like to hear. Also I find it embarrassing.
I have never offered sound when camming of an evening as have the same issue (kids in bed) so prefer not to talk. I did however offer it during the day but for some reason the sound on my laptop stopped working, so now I offer free phone in private (they just call my mobile), you get the odd 1 that will cut off if you havent got sound but ive never found it a major problem at all.
I have done both, i find offering sound a little difficult. I am oddly rather shy.
I'm not that convinced it makes much difference to be honest, although i do get the guys that ask and when i say no they disappear. If anything sound related is going to make a massive difference i would have thought it'd be phone.
(20-05-2012, 17:53)NICK123BRISTOL Wrote: It is abit better with sound. Some of the cammers play really loud annoying music tho!

I'm one of those cammers so I thought you might like to know the necessity behind it being that it makes it more difficult for those capturing our shows to present them elsewhere - at least with the audio intact, hence decreasing its perceived value.

I hope this helps.

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