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nasty experience
I only started camming just over a week ago (friend introduced me) and up until last night have found it to be a very horny experience. People have been lovely, lots of compliments, good manners and lots of lovely sexy stuff.
But last night I had a really bad time. A really nasty guy came into free chat and said awful insulting things about what a state I was and my boobs were freak show stuff and really racist stuff about slaggy british girls. Obviously I blocked him but it really upset me. I know I need to develop a much thicker skin and move on. HOw often should I expect trolls to appear? Is it a regular hazard?
Just seemed like a very different feel to it last night, people seemed rude and aggressive. Is it maybe a late night thing when people come in from the pub and log in?
Anyway just wanted to let off steam so I can find courage to log in again.
I found freeview to be really unpleasant. There were so many unpleasant guys and obvious timewasters that it was something I only attempted on a few occasions. I think guys who are prepared to pay aren't going to waste so much of their money being nasty and rude. Maybe stay out of freeview altogether if you can, I think it can be a bit of a lion's den! X
Hi Hanna, don't let 1 asshole put you off honey you get them everywhere. Enjoy your cam work & forget him !! GC xSmile

(17-03-2012, 18:23)horny__hannah Wrote: I only started camming just over a week ago (friend introduced me) and up until last night have found it to be a very horny experience. People have been lovely, lots of compliments, good manners and lots of lovely sexy stuff.
But last night I had a really bad time. A really nasty guy came into free chat and said awful insulting things about what a state I was and my boobs were freak show stuff and really racist stuff about slaggy british girls. Obviously I blocked him but it really upset me. I know I need to develop a much thicker skin and move on. HOw often should I expect trolls to appear? Is it a regular hazard?
Just seemed like a very different feel to it last night, people seemed rude and aggressive. Is it maybe a late night thing when people come in from the pub and log in?
Anyway just wanted to let off steam so I can find courage to log in again.

Occupational hazard I'm afraid. They will always leave befkre you can get a good word in. U get used to them after a while.
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Do not let a few idiots upset you hannah
just rise above them, there are a few idiots everywhere you go
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

(19-03-2012, 08:21)jayzee77 Wrote: They will always leave befkre you can get a good word in.

Hi Hanna, I would advise against doing the above, rise above it and just ignore them. Don't get involved in an argument that you can not win and they will not care about.

When I get the same on the phone when taking escort bookings I simply say "Thank you for your call", then hang up.

Sarah x x x
I don't do cam work so I can't be specific about this, but I guess I can relate it to another area where I do get the odd idiot.

I display my phone number, so anyone can just call me direct. The vast majority of guys are kind and lovely, polite and respectful. But occasionally you get the odd one who is not.

If a guy is a prick on the phone (which is very rare, but does happen) I just hang up and block the number.

Sometimes a guy starts off all sweetness and light and sounds quite genuine, but will soon become steadily more and more graphic until he starts getting nasty - experience tells me that once they start going that way it is never going to end well, so I usually just hang up an block as soon as I see the signs, but sometimes they can be quite subtle and I don't always spot them as early as I would like.

But, crucially, I always remain polite and civil and never, ever, ever rise to the bait - because that is what these guys want. I never lose my composure and I never allow myself to get stressed about it. In fact, it makes me chuckle at quite how sad and silly those guys are. It's all very childish.

You will learn to spot the signs soon enough. If you can't bring them around fairly quickly, and without upsetting yourself, just cut them off.

And never, ever allow yourself to lose your cool, and never be tempted to ball them out or try to say anything clever. This is exactly what these bullies want... it's how they get off... for free... at your emotional expense.

Most importantly of all, don't let it upset you. It's just a hazard of the job. Anyone who works with the public has to deal with the odd pratt from time to time, unfortunately.
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Thanks so much for all your kind words and sound advice. It has made me feel so much better about things and I'm feeling ready to get back on cam this evening for some naughty fun lol. Thanks again x
You should name and shame!
(22-03-2012, 19:54)spheon Wrote: You should name and shame!

As other people have said. dont let one idiot get you down. i used to get a particular idiot when i used to do free cam. he used to change his name so couldnt block him. but i used to just ignore him. he soon went away.

Annabelle xxxxx

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