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How do you afford escorts?
Hi forum frequenters, I understand I have literally just signed up therefore you have no inclination to listen to what I say or answer my question, but you've got to start somewhere.. Anyway,

I have recently become unemployed but that is irrelevant; I've been in work most of my life yet I cannot afford escorts regardless of whether I'm working or not.

How do you guys do it? After bills, keep, food and essentials I still find myself stumped with not enough to have an escort visit me. It's extremely annoying and unfair that after working my ass off all month I can't even indulge in my sole primal desire of recieving sexual attention from a woman. I hate the idea that upper class execs and people like the people i've worked for (whom are nearly always married) are getting the privelage of spending sexual adventures with escorts when half the time they don't deserve it.

All i want out of life is to go to work each day, and at the end of the day fulfill my fantasies with an escort, but it seems all I'm doing in life is going to work each day, then spending my weekends with enough money to treat myself to a bloody dominoes pizza.

Anyway, back to the original question:

If you're like me and always end up with not-so-humble average jobs, then how do you afford to treat yourself? Is it down to only seeing an escort once you've been saving for sexless months, only seeing an escort for "15 minute quickies" (which I hate the idea of), only seeing an escort when your estranged uncle dies and leaves you a zillion quid or is that you're just a high-flying businessman ravishing yourself with champagne and lobster ignorant to the suffering of sex-starved lonely 'men' like me?

If you're none of the above, please explain your process of affording life's *only* pleasure? Smile

Good day!
Welcome to the site. I often ask the same question of people who smoke, considering it costs over £5 a packet these days. I've never smoked, nor could I afford to.

I think you are wrong mind. Only the other day I went to quite a squalid house of a chap who is a chef (not a well paid chef) for 30 mins. I've seen him twice this year. I assume that is his budget, but nevertheless I have seen him twice. He's a decent enough bloke, similar age to myself and slim, although the house could do with a lick of paint. It doesn't look like he is rolling in it that is for sure.

What I would say to you is that dominoes is not exactly cheap. If you kept the £15 plus you were spending on dominoes each week, that is the equivalent of a half hour/hour punt per month. So you can choose between pizza or sex, or alternate and have pizza every weekend for one month and a half hour booking the next month.

Problem solved!
Welcome to the site and yes a strange question / first post a couple of questions

(02-12-2011, 05:38)Baldrick99 Wrote: I hate the idea that upper class execs and people like the people i've worked for (whom are nearly always married) are getting the privelage of spending sexual adventures with escorts when half the time they don't deserve it.

Why would they not deserve it?

(02-12-2011, 05:38)Baldrick99 Wrote: All i want out of life is to go to work each day, and at the end of the day fulfill my fantasies with an escort, but it seems all I'm doing in life is going to work each day, then spending my weekends with enough money to treat myself to a bloody dominoes pizza.

Many people find themselves in the same situation with so little money about but it is often how you choose to spend your money, you could buy your pizza a lot cheaper from a supermarket take it home and bake it rather than Dominoes, which as Kate mentioned are not cheap. I personally prefer to do this than have a pizza from a take away.

Some people smoke, which again is an expensive habit and many spend their time in the pub after work each day and there are many others out there who like yourself, work all week just to try and support a family and do not have any money left over for extras.

Welcome Baldrick. As Kate said, its really about choices. If there is something I really wanted, which was outside of my budget, I will save for it.
I don't go out to pubs or clubs much, nor take holidays away, as I have other responsibilities.
So I look upon it as spending money on something I consider more desirable than the above, which I can take or leave.

Argh man, I can see that becoming me. Half an hour is no where near enough, even though I don't even like/want sex and actually just want to have my pea-shooter hoovered (don't think i'm trolling, i'm unaware of what you're allowed to say here, but hopefully you get the meaning.) The dominoes bit was just a joke/example of what I could consider a 'treat' with the money I have.

Let's just put it this way, i'm half-moaning at my life situation and how I can't do the only thing I want to do. I know i'm not a poverty-stricken African man watching his children starve to death in a third world country but I have been struck my the shit side of life more than a lot. The other half is me trying to get an idea of just how people in similar situations as me afford to do this.

But anyway, poor me poor me.. pour me another glass of money

Well I guess deserving something is a complex ideology praying to the lord of Karma.
I'm just oversimplifying the situation of many unhappily married men who see escorts, a situation where I have no experience, seeing as I've never had a girlfriend.

A most warm welcome I have received and I hope to be able to reply with advice to your posts soon lovely real-life human ladies.

(02-12-2011, 06:26)davidseven Wrote: Welcome Baldrick. As Kate said, its really about choices. If there is something I really wanted, which was outside of my budget, I will save for it.
I don't go out to pubs or clubs much, nor take holidays away, as I have other responsibilities.
So I look upon it as spending money on something I consider more desirable than the above, which I can take or leave.

Hmm, I seem to be looking at seeing an escort as a requirement rather than something I really want, but when it's all you've got in life to look forward to apart from the blessed release of death then you can see how I consider it a requirement.

There's also the *gigantic* element of risk in seeing an escort as experiences can vary so hugely, I can envisage the despair I'd be in if I saved up for months and months just to have an awful time.
Baldrick, I save for any adventure I might be able to have it also helps that I work between 50 and 60 hours a week to keep my head above water and do two part time jobs,

The money for visiting ladies comes from the extra income I have the day I have to use that for the everyday needs in life is the day to give up work completly and live of the state as there would be no point in working those amount of hours just to keep a roof over my head

In saying that I do go on holidays and I do drive a relativly new car if not a top of the range car it does the job, but I do not go out nor do I drink except, when I am on holiday and then I am related to a fish. I do not have takeaways either as I find them over rated and 90% of the time dissappointing

Yes I have had more than my share of crap meetings and do get really dissappointed when they happen and vow and declare to save the money and no longer visit escorts, if I saved the money I could probably of got myself a Porsche by now. But I return to visiting escorts as it is probably the only thing I do for me.

I never over spend on escorts and never use the small amount of money I earn from my regular job, I do get a bit frustrated when people go on about there exploits but never let it bother me or maybe just give them a wide berth
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

Baldrick, it's lovely to have another literate man on board, regardless of moaning. It makes it so much more enjoyable to read. Moan as much as you like and I shall be reading.

I have to admit though, you are not the kind of client that I enjoy meeting regarding your needs and I would say that you would likely be happy with a 15 min quickie, which I think you can get for around £30 to £40 depending on the area you live in, so really it isn't that unobtainable for you.

There are many places you can go to research the ladies you are interested in too. check out Field Reports on AW or you can look at the reviews on Punternet where they actually show negative meetings as well as the positive ones. Some people rely on Captain69, although I would not advice that for you as you need to pay for membership and that might set you back a year before you can book anyone.

What I'm getting at is, the more research you do on a lady, the more likely you are not going to be disappointed with the booking. It's not fail safe, but the closest thing to it.
Hi Baldrick
Welcome to the forum!

You raise a lot of "lifestyle" issues. I somehow doubt if many of the guys on this forum are that wealthy. Wealth is relative. I am lucky because I inherited a small number of shares which payout sufficient in dividends to allow me to indulge once a month or so, as long as I am careful. But a lot of guys have to save up over months to enjoy that hour of delightful pleasure.

I do get annoyed about people who complain about bad experiences with working girls. If you use Adultwork, rather than the less informative sites, the signs and signals are always there to give you a clue as to what sort of an experience you are likely to receive. But you do need to take the trouble to read the profiles and the feedback.

You don't have to pay a fortune, there are a lot of girls who do not charge vast amounts, and yet give a really good experience. This may be because they genuinely enjoy what they do rather than wholly doing it because there is no viable alternative. You have to guage what you consider to be good value..

I do think that it's a question of choices, as others have said, it's your choice what you do with your money. You may not be able to afford to see a girl as frequently as you would like, but if you research who you want to see, set yourself a target, and work out how you are going to put aside the money you can achieve the target.

I personally find that chatting on this forum helps you to understand better what motivates people to be involved in this highly adictive game. It also acts as a bit of a substitute when you can't actually afford to see a girl, and helps you understand what you want out of an experience, when you have collected the money.

If I could say this to you, you are obviously in a very low depressed state at the moment, especially having lost your job. Things will get better, but you will need to be positive. If you haven't got a job you have an opportunity to step back and see what you really want from life, including affording to see an escort.

Try writing down on a piece of paper what you want to achieve:
1. See nice, reliable escorts

On a second piece of paper write down the skills / knowledge you have.
1. You are capable of writing good english - that's a good start!

On a third piece of paper write down a list of things you are going to do to get your life sorted.
1. Identify things that interest you
2. Identify what you can adjust in your budget

It doesn't matter what your goals are, you can always work out a way to afford what you want to do, you just need to decide what you're going to change to achieve those goals.

Anyone can achieve what they want if they make the effort, but that effort needs to be targetted in the right direction.

One other thing - I would emphasise that the quality of the experience you enjoy will improve enormously if you treat the girl as a human being with feelings, and not as some sort of hoover for your privates. I like to think that my own experiences have been so good because I go into it with a cheerful happy attitude, and demonstrate that I want the girl to enjoy herself as well.
Good luck - although you do make your own luck!

I just want to have fun Tongue
Just picking up on this point Nick

Quote:You don't have to pay a fortune, there are a lot of girls who do not charge vast amounts, and yet give a really good experience. This may be because they genuinely enjoy what they do rather than wholly doing it because there is no viable alternative. You have to guage what you consider to be good value..

Some of us rent accomodation specifically to work from as we have family members living at home with us. My outgoings for my Escorting job are approx £1000 per month, so I have to make this much before I make a penny and I declare my TAX so 20% goes to the government. I can't afford to charge rates like £90 per hour, or I'd be noticed by my apartment neighbours and likely driven out or thrown out, as the contract does not allow working from the place or I'd have to see so many people I really may not enjoy my work and start to be 'routine' about things.

What I charge and possibly others in my bracket and above, often reflects a fair amount based on our costs and working situation. I likely get no more for myself than the lady charging £90 working from home, if not less, as I am having to pay 2 lots of council tax and two lots of energy bills etc.

It's all relative and has nothing to do with the enjoyment of the job, as my clients would tell you I love every minute of my work and relish an energetic hour where I can clear out the cobwebs, get some exercise (which helps my diet) and orgasms that tighten up internal areas so I won't be incontinent in later life lol.


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