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Why women love a bad boy?
Bad boys are unreliable and selfish, but some women seem to love them anyway.

We all know one, a bloke who lives his romantic life by the motto "treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen".

And the most puzzling thing about him is that he does indeed seem to keep them keen.

Despite his complete lack of chivalry (hope my spelling is right lol) and a history of messing women around, they still seem to be queuing up for his attentions.

Have you been with a Bad Boy?

Or are you a Bad Boy yourself Wink

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Plus Name your fav bad boys on TV!

Cain Dingle - Emmerdale
Max Branning - Eastenders
Frank Foster - Corrie



xXx H xXx

Don't think you get many clients that are bad boys, as they are too nice to be treating women like crap as a rule, hence why they are paying in the first place.

I'm not keen on any of the guys you like, yuk! lol. Least we would not be going after the same guys in a club. I can't think of any at the moment, I'll get back to you when I do.
Bless no past boyfriends in the teen years then, that were bad asses? Wink

I'm on about old boyfriends in the past and maybe the present etc...

Did have a crush on my 1st Bad Boy at middle school he was fighting and got exspelled bcs of it and WOW he was hot and bad, moved to high skool, and my eyes was on him for 3years then got bored lol.

I do the love the Bad Boys on the Soaps, Cumin in my Dreams Wink


xXx H xXx

I don't really want to talk too much about my private life on here Heather. You never know who is reading and I have a son to protect in his teens. I'll abstain if you don't mind x
I had far too much of my teens and early twenties chasing girls who were fixation on useless scrotes and woman beating pondlife.

There are two issues here; the attraction of the badboy and seperately the sad but very real need of some women for violence in a relationship. Personally I don't see why someone should crave a beating from their other half but some seem to need it. I have known a small number of women who instigated a marital fight for the thrill of the conflict.

Having been in a relationship with a violent woman I would not wish to repeat the experience

I don't think they crave it John, I think it's a matter of knowing no different and feeling that is all they are worth. If you have been told you are second rate all your life and can't support yourself, then eventually said enough times you start to believe it. I think things like this start from birth. You will often find that they were brought up in abusive families, even if they were not abused themselves, it is likely their Mother was and we often turn into our Mothers, like it or not.

Thankfully for me that was never an issue in my life and if anyone dared to even think about thumping me they would be out on their ear before they could take their next breath!
I'm about to marry my bad boy gone good - we are each other's counterpoint... Very similar histories! Smile

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