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Wife 'chopped and boiled husband'
There's a book I believe everyone should read, it's a real eye opener.

Half The Sky

There are times when we might think we have it hard here, and our streetwalkers and working girls who are abusing drugs, may very well be our equivalent, but those things are nothing compared to what the women in other countries are suffering. sweetestmelinda is right, that woman and her daughter would have suffered much worse had she tried to report it. Women have virtually zero rights, are the property of their men to do with as they see fit, and believe me, what they have them do is below the very worst you could think of.

She will have had to be clever throughout her life, so yes her methods must have been premeditated, but if it's one thing a mother will want for their children, it's a better life than the one she has/had, if it were extremely impoverished or unfortunate in any other manner. She clearly wanted to make sure her little girl, seventeen or not, didn't have to suffer at the hands of her abusive step-father.

There were a few books I read last year that I think should be required reading for the populous, Half The Sky is certainly one of them. I will admit there were parts of it where I wouldn't have been able to keep a dry eye if I tried.
(26-11-2011, 23:01)DivineMissG Wrote: Well you're clearly all homicidal maniacs!! Smile

Nothing would have crossed my mind except the obvious - burial or dispose of in a mass of water somewhere...
She would still have had to unobtrusively got the body to the grave (which she would have had to have dug in an unsuspicious manner) or mass of water. Karachi is on the sea, but I bet it's not that easy getting a body out there when you're a woman who has just killed her husband.

And in other news:
Her 22-year-old nephew, Zaheer Ahmed, is accused of helping Bibi stab Abbas to death and carve his body into small pieces.
Police said she wanted to cook her husband's body parts so she could dispose of them without being caught.
Bibi said she did not regret her actions and that she killed her husband because he wanted a physical relationship with her 17-year-old daughter, Sonia. She had reportedly stopped him from molesting her on several occasions.

Approximately 70 to 90 percent of Pakistani women are subjected to domestic violence, commonly including: honor killing, marital rape, acid attacks and being burned by family members.

Domestic violence is considered a "family matter" and women often face abuse with no escape. Spousal abuse is rarely considered a crime socially in Pakistan unless it ends in murder or attempted murder.

Wooppee do.
And lets remember that this 'cultural phenomenon' has now sadly been imported to the UK.
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I think it does bring home, how ever much we may moan about the state of affairs here in the UK; it would never get to that state here in the UK and there is support out there for women in similar situations here. I don't think we have gone far enough in the UK yet to make women equal, but we are leaps and bounds ahead of others.
Kate, the UK may well be streets ahead of other countries with the way women are treated but I still feel that, as women continue to be treated as less than equal to men, the UK has a long way to go yet. That goal could be reached easier if Domestic Violence was taken more seriously by the Police. They still seem not to really be interested unless it is very serious (ie murder or attempted murder).

I am fortunate that I was brought up to realise that women are very much equal to men and I like to think that 99% of the time I realise that. My parents were definitely Victorian in their attitude to most things but, thanks to my Mother's Mother being a Suffragette, my Mother has never played second fiddle to my Father!

Chpping up and boiling your husband might well be extreme but, if anyone had abused my daughhter when she was growing up and I had caught them, I would not be responsible for my actions and I doubt I would have stopped at a slap!

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