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AW Ratings...
Hey Lovelies...

Since my AW rating has gone over 6... The number of genuine emails I am getting has absolutely skyrocketed! I only take outcalls - but I have made as much in a week as I would usually make in a month. Has it been a lucky week, or is there a reason for this?

Boys when you search for girls do you specify the number of ratings you'd like a girl to have?

Curiosity is killing this kitty!
An interesting one Gia and I am glad business is booming for you. On another thread the question was raised over Feedback and Field Reports. For my tuppence, I liked field reports but others disagree. Feedback can be important as well; certainly if it is blocked I tend to walk away. I certainly dont specify ratings when doing a search but that is just me (to be fair, I didnt know you could!!)
Any client will tell you that with the amount of fake profiles on AW these days feedback is very important. Probably why you were so quiet due to the lack of feedback, glad to hear things have picked up. Smile
I used to be snow white but drifted...


I've started to use the booking system more and more wherever possible. An explicit refusal from a client to use it means it's straight on the blacklist for me these days - whereas before I wouldn't mind just booking over the phone... I know that sounds harsh but I don't see any reason for a client NOT to use it if they are already online emailing me... Feels like I'm getting less TW's now. Viva la booking system!
i agree i seen the same after i got more then 10

again its good for people to see your authentic


I remember seeing an ad somewhere - can't for the life of me remember where though - but fb was for sale for 'x' credits. So fb really aint proving that you authentic. Its only as authentic as you can try and make it out to be.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
Glad to hear though that business is picking up for the girls that said. Well done.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
Gia hope you earn loads of dosh..., it sounds as though clients will definitely enjoy their time with you! I can't say I've ever been that successful in London, but I imagine the longer you are around the more guys will recognise you as genuine - or just see your profile. Having said that, the guys I have seen did make repeat bookings the next time I was down, so maybe the more I go the more bookings I will get. It's just such a costly business when you don't have guaranteed bookings. It's less stressful for me in Ireland cos I know the phone will ring off the hook - even when I didn't have any feedback. Have you just advertised on AdultWork or are you advertising more widely?
I, like the op (until recently), still have a low number of 'escort' feedback but this is partly because most of my bookings come directly from my website and I've had clients tell me that they didn't want to make a booking over AW to avoid a paper trail in case their significant others ever find their AW account.

I do hope that my feedback increases soon in that particular category because I suspect that four 'escort' feedback in four months doesn't look particularly fantastic to prospective clients.
Four is a lot more that zero, so don't doubt yourself.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.

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