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need to impress
why do guys feel they need to impress u by telling what their jobs are ?
Think they are probably more likely to be trying to bolster their own egos or self-esteem.. or are so impressed with themselves that they think everyone else should be too Wink
Do they - i never do that (and if i did no one understands it anyway). But i always keep anything to do with work a millinon miles away from pleasure and have done since my very first job. Even mixing with work colleagues no one thinks the better of someone who makes the most of their position.
Its probably something they naturally do in a civilian environment when on the pull. Its probably never worked there either, except on the exceedingly shallow.
I did have a friend who's made up pulling job for parties etc was to claim he was a ski instructor. he had never been on ski's in his life but he talked a damned good game.
I had another friend with a stranger made up pulling line - which was to explain he was related to Rolf Harris. I never really understood why he thought that would impress women but he did it with such panache it seemed to pay of.
Now where's my digerydoo?
he came away with im a top racing driver

when he got here i asked why he said that, he replied it was cause i had i like fast cars on my profiles
I am impressed with everything they tell me and I don't believe a word of it.

When you first meet a punter, you feel like the above, it really does not matter what they tell you or why. After a few meetings they will probably tell you the truth, or they will keep up with their fantasy life that helps them escape.

Sometimes I dress as a nurse, but it is only pretend and they seem to go along with it, probably just to humour me.

I very rarely mention what I actually do, but if asked I do
sorry I never make it up or lie about what I do as I would forget what I said and change my profession every ten minutes.

Can never really understand why punters do this it is probably to impress the lady they are meeting with me what you see is what you get no frills and no job that would have you melting at my feet
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

I was asked what my job is because when I turned up I was wearing a white shirt, dark tie and trousers, and as my hair is always cropped I tend to look like a copper.

I am not though, I'm a Sales Rep......and theres NOTHING worth fantasising about there lol. Also I am a crap liar, so its easier to be truthful if someone asks me.
(19-08-2011, 07:52)Vulcan1 Wrote: I was asked what my job is because when I turned up I was wearing a white shirt, dark tie and trousers, and as my hair is always cropped I tend to look like a copper.

I am not though, I'm a Sales Rep......and theres NOTHING worth fantasising about there lol. Also I am a crap liar, so its easier to be truthful if someone asks me.

coppers uniform sounds fab

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