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oh think i have myself a dilemma im not sure yet, monday the ayr horse racing is on

i have one owner who has invited me for few hours fun then to accompany him around as his partner watching his horses race

i have a different owner in the evening who has booked me to have dinner & some fun with him in the hotel where all the other owners are staying

i suppose if anything it could turn out interesting couldnt it
Even more interesting if they know each other and you are sitting at the next table
Or at the same table! Hehehe
Just go and have lots of fun (I am sure you will)

So what is the dilemma? Sounds great to me.
(23-07-2011, 13:33)SassyAnn Wrote: Or at the same table! Hehehe
I have visions of lots of footsie going on under the table now just dont get the feet confused

Reminds me of a night out in a club in shields with a friend years ago she was being chatted up by 2 different blokes at the same time one either side of her, her hands were behind her back and the both thought they were holding her hand and until she pulled both hands forward and said "I dont know whos hand you 2 are holding but its not mine I have never seen 2 grown men look so mortified in my life cant remember ever laughing as much

not really a dilemma they have both forwarded money to bet on their horses lol
Win Win all the way then
oh def emily
How orten does that happen? I don't live too far from the cheltenham race course and have had some fun off the back of that, but it is over half an hour away and not in my catchment area, so I have to remember to advertise as Cheltenham based for outcalls. Another time when AW is a pain in the neck for advertising.

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