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I was hospitalised once with a migraine, all painkillers were given up to morphine, nothing helped apart from the morphine getting me to sleep. Pain killers have also shown to make things worse also.
Until I tried sumatriptan and naratriptan. Regardless of triggers, when the simptoms start, one of these is like a magic wand, skull scraping, blinding agony gone. These drugs are nothing short of a miracle, if you are a sufferer, ask your quack about them.
(14-10-2011, 02:26)Pan Wrote: I was hospitalised once with a migraine, all painkillers were given up to morphine, nothing helped apart from the morphine getting me to sleep. Pain killers have also shown to make things worse also.
Until I tried sumatriptan and naratriptan. Regardless of triggers, when the simptoms start, one of these is like a magic wand, skull scraping, blinding agony gone. These drugs are nothing short of a miracle, if you are a sufferer, ask your quack about them.

tried the triptans but they really diet help me then, i had the things that melted on your tongue and they were foul, tablets that went under m tongue.

I was like a walking pharmacy, i'd panic if i went anywhere with out my pain killers. just incase i had the start.

still feeling sore this am, i hate that they make me feel slightly 'slow' and sore for a couple of days
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(14-10-2011, 06:56)jayzee77 Wrote:
(14-10-2011, 02:26)Pan Wrote: I was hospitalised once with a migraine, all painkillers were given up to morphine, nothing helped apart from the morphine getting me to sleep. Pain killers have also shown to make things worse also.
Until I tried sumatriptan and naratriptan. Regardless of triggers, when the simptoms start, one of these is like a magic wand, skull scraping, blinding agony gone. These drugs are nothing short of a miracle, if you are a sufferer, ask your quack about them.

tried the triptans but they really diet help me then, i had the things that melted on your tongue and they were foul, tablets that went under m tongue.

I was like a walking pharmacy, i'd panic if i went anywhere with out my pain killers. just incase i had the start.

still feeling sore this am, i hate that they make me feel slightly 'slow' and sore for a couple of days

I think that is half the problem. Everyone reacts differently to the medication and it's the slow painful process of going through all the different meds to see which one if any suits you. I really do give my full sympathy to anyone who suffers with migraines, it's so debilitating. My friend was never able to hold down a normal full time job because of it and thankfully for her she could work with her Dad and now goes between that and running her own business, otherwise she would be on benefits no doubt.
excuse my spellings!

when they were at their worst i didn't have a very understanding boss.... she had never had migraines.
She expected me to go lye down in the night bedroom for half an hour and be fine, the worst one i had was just before i found out i was pregnancy with Ewan, i'd had the visual problems and took, my meds but then the visual problems came back, i ws trying to sort out kennels, then i went up for morning break about 11am, sat there my head pounding white as a sheet, i ended up in tears as the pain was so bad, one of the older assistants looked at me and said 'i'm driving you home now,' she refused to let me drive as i was 35 mins from home, she went and told my boss (head nurse) and she said 'she can't go home, who's going to do ...blah blah blah' Leslie said 'have you seen her? i'm taking her home' and bless she drove me home and even called DrC to say she was bringing me home.
I had to get her to stop twice to be sick.. Apparently Jackie the head nurse was in a foul mood after i went home, and didn't really speak to me much when i came back (she was a stroppy cow at times! great outside of work but horrid in work) that night i took a pregnancy test on orders or DrC and turns out i was expecting my son! my next worst was when i was preg with my daughter. My dad says he gets migraines.. but he sits there watching TV with the sound up, so I'm not totally convinced!
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(14-10-2011, 08:24)jayzee77 Wrote: excuse my spellings!

when they were at their worst i didn't have a very understanding boss.... she had never had migraines.
She expected me to go lye down in the night bedroom for half an hour and be fine, the worst one i had was just before i found out i was pregnancy with Ewan, i'd had the visual problems and took, my meds but then the visual problems came back, i ws trying to sort out kennels, then i went up for morning break about 11am, sat there my head pounding white as a sheet, i ended up in tears as the pain was so bad, one of the older assistants looked at me and said 'i'm driving you home now,' she refused to let me drive as i was 35 mins from home, she went and told my boss (head nurse) and she said 'she can't go home, who's going to do ...blah blah blah' Leslie said 'have you seen her? i'm taking her home' and bless she drove me home and even called DrC to say she was bringing me home.
I had to get her to stop twice to be sick.. Apparently Jackie the head nurse was in a foul mood after i went home, and didn't really speak to me much when i came back (she was a stroppy cow at times! great outside of work but horrid in work) that night i took a pregnancy test on orders or DrC and turns out i was expecting my son! my next worst was when i was preg with my daughter. My dad says he gets migraines.. but he sits there watching TV with the sound up, so I'm not totally convinced!

No I think that is a headache, not a migraine. I think you become hyper sensitive with a migraine don't you? So the tv even with the sound off would be unbearable.
I have always suffered from migraines since I was a kid they always said I would grow out of them ,that is rubbish. I have had MRI's as I went through a stressfull phase in my life and I had a constant aura headache for days, the kaleidoscope eyes (as I call it) would go but the pain wouldn't but just say nothing just scarring on front of brain shows I have /will always have them. What joys.!!
I do have triggers that I can't eat, chocolate, mature cheese and oranges and periods sometimes. I have had more this year but the aura flashing eyes one poss as on the computer more and not wearing glasses enough!, but I take ex strong perscribed co-codomol as nothing else works and then have to go into a black room and I sleep for hours but feel dozzy after for at tleat 48 hrs (more than normal i add!). I think it has to be something you have to leave/deal with but feel for anyone that has one as awful.
I really feel sorry for those persons that suffer with real migraines they are a agonising pain that makes you want to take your head off.
People do suffer differently and there are thousands of different strains of migraine about but the darkened quiet room is a definate must with a lot of sufferers
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There is a prescription drug called immigran that has worked for me in the past - also for my father who had very severe migraines.

However, it is important to address your areas of stress - particularly if you believe that your stress may be a trigger for your migraines. I have a Masters in Psychology, so if you would like to PM me I can give you some advice on stress relief techniques (I have also battled depression for most of my life and PTSD after a very violent and traumatic incident 6 years ago).

As far as your dental phobia goes - I have also experienced this (and my dad is my dentist, so I was REALLY bad and embarassed to tell him!). There is lots of good advice on the internet with strategies you might be able to use to help you overcome your fear. There are also dentists who are experienced in treating phobic patients... Whether that be with strategies like using your ipod during treatment, or medications like valium.

Hope that helps... PM me if you like and I can elaborate Smile
Nutritional Treatments for Migraines

Foods and diet have long been associated with the causes and triggers of migraine headaches.

Food exclusion diet: Food sensitivity has been shown to be a major cause of migraine headaches.
The most common being chocolate, cheese, red wine, caffeine and citrus fruits.
Some research has shown that wheat can also be a trigger.
A food exclusion diet can help in identifying and avoiding your migraine triggers.

Magnesium supplements: Studies have shown that many people with migraines have lower than normal levels of magnesium. Preliminary studies have shown that magnesium supplements (usually 200mg per day) may help reduce the frequency of migraine headaches.

B Vitamins: Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B12 have both shown to be helpful in reducing the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.

Fish Oils: Studies have shown that fish oils have been helpful with recurrent migraines.
People who suffer from recurring or frequent migraines may be benefit from increasing intake of oily fish or by taking flaxseed oil or a fish oil supplement.

Herbal Treatments for Migraines

Feverfew: The most frequently used herb for the long-term prevention of migraines is feverfew.
A number of trials have demonstrated its effectiveness.
Feverfew is available in tablets or tincture.

Alternative Treatments

Acupuncture: Acupuncture has been used to treat migraines and headaches and several studies show that it can be very effective. Acupuncture for migraine can be based on traditional Chinese acupuncture or the Western approach. Usually at least 6 to 8 treatments are required to show ongoing relief. A study led by Dr. Baischer of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Vienna showed that the improvements achieved by acupuncture therapy are stable over a long period of time

Neck manipulation and massage: Migraines may be helped by treatment of neck muscles and joints. This may involve manipulation or mobilisation of the neck joints, release of tension in muscles and or the deactivation of trigger points. Some studies have shown that manipulation can be as effective as medical treatments without some of the side effects.

Hope That Helps Hunni Smile


xXx H xXx

I've done neck manipulation and massage before. Also sinus massage helps sometimes too! But now I have my little bottle of pills, I don't worry about it any more!

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