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female punters
No but then I advertise as straight.

Messages In This Thread
female punters - by abcdef - 02-05-2011, 20:05
RE: female punters - by English Kate - 02-05-2011, 20:08
RE: female punters - by abcdef - 02-05-2011, 20:10
RE: female punters - by English Kate - 02-05-2011, 20:21
RE: female punters - by abcdef - 02-05-2011, 20:24
RE: female punters - by English Kate - 02-05-2011, 20:31
RE: female punters - by abcdef - 02-05-2011, 20:33
RE: female punters - by Emily of Halifax - 03-05-2011, 02:33

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