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UK Punting!
(16-09-2015, 23:00)xKatieBabyx Wrote: Jesus why is this thread still going??! There are surely far more interesting things in life. Who the fuck cares who James is or what he did? Just move on..

I care Katie and I'll tell you why, over the last nine days I've punted four times spending over £500 that's far more than usual for me but I had a few days off work and the schedules of the wgs I wanted to see perfectly suited me so I thought what the hell I'll do it. I've seen one of the women a few times before so I could be pretty certain that one would work out OK as for the other three well one was a recommendation from a virtual friend on another forum but the other two were choices made purely on reviews and comments from punting forums including UK Punting, all four punts I'm glad to say either lived up to or exceeded my expectation so thank you to those real honest punters who made it possible for me to spend my hard earned money wisely.

I'm an experienced punter and forum member and I've got a pretty good eye for telling the difference between real and fake reviews and the credibility of those who write them, but now put yourself in the shoes of a newbie punter looking at reviews on a site like UK Punting, he wouldn't have a clue, the nonsense I've revealed on this thread is just a tiny sample. This is why James999 is important as you've got the Admin of the site pretending to be someone else just to stir the shit instead of running his forum properly making sure that punters are getting solid advice from real punters and not fantasists and touts, he's often uses James999 to provoke a response so he can ban a member, some pretty decent contributors have met their end in this way. Apparently there's now a thread titled "Where's James999" because of my posts on here Admin/Adam had to stop using the account, he could bring it back of course but now his members will just ignore the jibes knowing there's no point in responding.

Please don't take too much notice of the post from Miss Esoteric as she has an agenda, listen to how angry and indignant she sounds apparently finding my posts "intolerable" but then go and look at her profile, her posts attacking me are her first for the best part of two years, she's either a UK Punting member or she has clients who are and they've drawn my posts to her attention, she's just the latest in a long line of mushrooms sent here to get the thread locked. The only war that's going on is the one waged by Admin/Adam and you know all about that, he monitors this and other forums looking out for criticism of his site you yourself were added to the prostitute blacklist even though your not a prostitute, as your a Cam girl he can't really touch you but if a wg continued to speak out she'd then find herself the subject of a fake review claiming she offered bareback sex or had an STI.

Admin/Adam has also declared war on AW punters, he allowed one of his members to create accounts on UK Punting hijacking the usernames of AW members in an attempt to discredit them, the imposter was allowed to attack both wgs and amazingly other UK Punting members, no one I know has even the slightest clue why this happened.

My posts have had an effect, fake reviews have been removed James999 is redundant and the fakes and fantasists I've mentioned have either fallen silent or are being ignored by other members, this can only be of benefit to real punters. I see no harm in using this thread in that way, SPs can have threads to warn them about scams or dodgy AW service seekers so why can't punters have a place where they can be warned about fake reviews and reviewers as this information can save them both time and money, but the best reason to keep this thread open is because a certain person keeps trying to get it shut down and that's why you know it does have influence.

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