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Photo Permissions & Feedback Tabs
Hello everyone! Brand new to the forum... I've been spamming the AW help centre with queries and probably driving them nuts, so thought I'd join up here instead to give them a break! And also to branch out and get to know all the lovely ladies (and gents!) here too.

I've two queries if anyone would be kind enough to help.

1. Photos: AW T&C say profile pics must be exclusive to AW. I assume this means the main 3? What about other photo content? I do a bit of modelling, and have been discussing content shares with photographers for use on AW (with their full permission of course!), but obviously the nature of sharing is that they then also get to use/sell the images. As far as I can tell this is fine as long as you can prove you have a right to use them?

Other query is totally ridiculous but please humour me!

2. Feedback Tabs: I suffer from a slight case of Profile OCD. I want to start offering Phone and Cams, and I wonder how the feedback tabs work. I've seen a mix of; 'Webcam' / 'DirectCam' & 'Phone' vs 'DirectChat' - if offering both pre-booked and Direct, will the fb tabs show as 'Webcam' / 'Phone', not 'DirectCam/DirectChat' ?

I think I had another question but it's temporarily brain-farted itself!

Thanks ladies! (and gents!).

Demelza x

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Photo Permissions & Feedback Tabs - by Demelza - 23-07-2015, 12:18

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