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Refferal Scheme problems
Has anyone have problems with the refferal scheme URLS not responding. This started a few weeks ago, and from my PC non of the refferal URLs I click on respond. These are my own refferals on my website, and the refferals on other peoples websites.

Interestingly refferals must be working for some people, because I am getting refferals and earning some money, but the refferals do look to have dropped off.

I did some further research and the IP address returned for the host is, while the IP address for is (which is part of the subnet used by the site)

Something else I tried was logining into a server I have and resolving the address and found the address was

I updated my hosts file on my windows machine to set the host name to have the address and the refferal scheme appears to work from my PC. Obviously this is not a solution!!!

So what is going on. Why is the IP address wrong?, and why on one of my servers is the correct IP address being returned. I also tried changing my DNS servers I use to resolve host names to see if there was an issue there.

This is costing me earnings Sad

Messages In This Thread
Refferal Scheme problems - by elrond1 - 13-09-2014, 17:13
RE: Refferal Scheme problems - by elrond1 - 13-09-2014, 17:25

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