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escorts or parlours.
It's kind of horses for courses.

Neither is better, it just depends what you are looking for.

There is a place for both and some guys will, I guess, prefer one or the other because that is the type of experience which suits his needs and with which he is comfortable.

I'm not sure what your question is, to be honest... or what the point you are trying to make is.

Are you suggesting that parlour girls are somehow "not as good" (what ever the fuck that means) as escorts?

Because I think there are many who would take issue with that....
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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Messages In This Thread
escorts or parlours. - by spklors - 05-08-2012, 17:19
RE: escorts or parlours. - by Trinity-Belle - 05-08-2012, 22:16
RE: escorts or parlours. - by spklors - 05-08-2012, 23:23
RE: escorts or parlours. - by Freddo - 06-08-2012, 12:01

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