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Slave/Mistress relationship
I keep getting a guy on cam wanting to be my maid, and wants to come and clean my house etc, in a little pinny or my underwear, so I am presuming this is the same sort of thing. Might be worth a try come September... He can do my ironing lol
Come check out my profile
Or if you fancy a threesome click here

See my updates on Twitter @jayzee77cam

Messages In This Thread
Slave/Mistress relationship - by SassyAnn - 03-07-2011, 17:31
RE: Slave/Mistress relationship - by SassyAnn - 03-07-2011, 17:56
RE: Slave/Mistress relationship - by abcdef - 03-07-2011, 19:26
RE: Slave/Mistress relationship - by SassyAnn - 03-07-2011, 19:31
RE: Slave/Mistress relationship - by jayzee77 - 03-07-2011, 22:46
RE: Slave/Mistress relationship - by SassyAnn - 04-07-2011, 00:30
RE: Slave/Mistress relationship - by abcdef - 04-07-2011, 07:44
RE: Slave/Mistress relationship - by jayzee77 - 04-07-2011, 15:50

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