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meeting forum members
compared to having a normal booking elsewhere
do u get nervous if its a member of the forum u are on
as if u have expectations to live up to
for me I am not sure if it should be any different really - but I can only speak for myself

I find it easy when you be yourself online and in real life - that way then any expectations others have of you should be lived up to

(does that make sense - it does to me but its late)
i know what u are saying andy just that i got a strange message earlier as iv met a few forum members how it felt as they were scared to go through with it
everyone is different Lolo, but I suppose that first few minutes - until someone breaks the ice, is always gonna be awkward and that is a little scary

I am not afraid to admit that I am a little scared the first time seeing an escort
I was petrified the first time I met a forum member, but she put me at my ease very quickly. Haven't looked back since

I guess it is only natural to worry that you might not live up to expectation, as you have invested interest in them, ie time and friendship. Normally you start with almost a clear slate and very little expectation.

Having said that, most of the people I have met from a forum have been exactly how I thought they would be and were nothing like a disappointment and actually I like them even more after meeting them in the flesh, as it kind of makes it real.
I think i have now meet 5 women who i have previously talked with oneline on various forums and it is undenably a different experience. I would say it is different every time but in general it is more exciting but can make you more nervous as well.
What i have come to learn is that i can reach some misconceptions about what i thought someone was going to be like and this can so often be wrong - so these days I am pretty openminded about what to expect and try not to put labels to anyoe before hand.
But whatever the potential pitfalls you do have some level of relationship prior to meeting and this does make it much easier to break the ice. And fortunately (and fingers crossed) so far I have got on with everyone just as much after I meet them as before whether or not they have become regulars.
is Anyone from warminster im looking for local girls to chat to its a pain as only 1 of my mates knows what i do and i miss being able to talk about work with friends Smile
We are about an hour and half north from you in Stroud, not exactly Warminster though.
Come check out my profile
Or if you fancy a threesome click here

See my updates on Twitter @jayzee77cam
(12-06-2011, 21:12)jayzee77 Wrote: We are about an hour and half north from you in Stroud, not exactly Warminster though.

Big Grin yeah a bit far .... i used to love going out on the piss with her and having a laff but now shes all boring !

and i get drunk and tell my other so called friends and they use it against me so i tend not to go out now 2 much Sad


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