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Rudeness is wholly unacceptable in any business and highlights the low intelligence and the low social skills of the individual being rude. WGs are professional and do not require to engage with those of an amateur mindset.
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(20-11-2016, 15:13)Jeansman Wrote: Rudeness is wholly unacceptable in any business and highlights the low intelligence and the low social skills of the individual being rude. WGs are professional and do not require to engage with those of an amateur mindset.

Thank you for reminding me of this at the perfect time - Feel better about being called a "worthless c*nt" earlier on today now. Realise it says far more about him than it does me! x
A cam client came into my room told me he in NY and booked a escort for $1200/£959.00 gave me her link, she looked like a cheap hooker! I was shocked she was charging so much! Lol you wouldn't be able to get away with looking like that for that amount of money in London. After all NY has a lot of high flyers who will pay the odds for anything! Why did this guy have to tell me? lol unless he got off on it? weird
I feel so lucky i don't really get any rude guys. Maybe because i'm hardly in free view anymore so the only guys i talk to are paying for my time. Most of the guys who take me grp/pvt are my regulars and they are lovely fellas! Smile xx
(21-11-2016, 01:51)sultryshelley Wrote:
(20-11-2016, 15:13)Jeansman Wrote: Rudeness is wholly unacceptable in any business and highlights the low intelligence and the low social skills of the individual being rude. WGs are professional and do not require to engage with those of an amateur mindset.

Thank you for reminding me of this at the perfect time - Feel better about being called a "worthless c*nt" earlier on today now. Realise it says far more about him than it does me! x

You are most welcome Shelley. I have long believed that I treat people as I would wish to be treated myself, and that has served me well. As for the Piltdown Ponce who abused you in such a horrific manner - it does indeed say a great deal about him, but I ask that you visualise him also - low forehead, heavy eyebrow line, knuckles dragging on the floor, low social skills, exists largely on nuts and fruit, lower jaw protrudes somewhat...................getting the picture Shelley?
Ha ha, that made me laugh, thank you Jeansman! I am lucky in that almost everyone I have in my room is lovely. I have been on here nearly 3 years and can count on one hand the amount of times anyone has ever been really rude to me. Needless to say this man I spoke about above is now very much blocked!

I think the description you have provided above is a very fitting one for him! Now, onwards and upwards and back to the nice men!
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