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New to all this
How can i put this... I have not been with an escort yet but will be very soon i think.

ive checked out loads of girls in my area and some seem to good to be true.

No doubt i will be a nervous wreck when i do finally get involved but what im asking is can anyone give some great tips on a 1st timer.

i dont want anything outragous (watersports bondage etc) just a great GFE.

Thanks in advance
Depends. What kind of girls do you fancy, what turns you on, how much money are you looking to spend?
Hi barnetdazza.

My advice would be to pick out a "mature" woman (30+), someone with experience both as an escort and with men in general. She will know how to make you relaxed and just go with it. A good thing would be to contact her first by mail or phone, and tell her about your expectations and desires (or ask what to expect) and that it is your first time in this. It's easier for her to pay attention to your needs and make it a great experience for you if she knows a little background.

Remember, research often pays off. Smile

Wishing you good luck with your first time. Wink


One must not lose desires. They are mighty stimulants to creativeness, to love and to long life.

Alexander A. Bogomoletz

[Image: 468x60_ginafaith_gif1eng.gif]
Hi Dazza, where are you?
It's nothing to be frightened of,

Welcome to the forum

welcome dazza, just take your time & do your research
Hi Dazza,
I agree with Gina, have a chat with the girl that tickles your fancy. Let her know it's your first time and chat about each others expectations.
If she hasn't put it on her site, see if she will talk through what happens when you arrive. I tell my guys that I will greet them at the door and let them come in and shut the door prior to welcoming them with a hug and kiss. I then take them into the kitchen and I'll get us both some water and we can have a chat before going upstairs to get the paperwork out of the way and have a shower. Communication is key to helping someone feel comfortable.
I will normally start off with a massage for guys I haven't seen before, it helps me to read their body. For first-timers, it also helps you relax and get used to a stranger touching your skin.

If you don't feel comfortable ie. the place is a dive or the girl isn't as described, then make an excuse and walk away. If your gut is telling you something isn't right, then it probably isn't.

If you've done your research, feel at ease with the girl and communication flows well, then there is a good chance you will have a fabulous time.

Good luck and have fun!
Dazza you're a man!!!! I do hope you post now you have made the first step and lost your posting cherry. We need more men to flirt, I mean talk to!

If there is anyone you are considering there is no reason why you can't put her link up on here and we'll all give her a good look over for you. We'll not be judging the way she looks, as you choose who you fancy, but we'll be looking at the profile, how it is worded, her feedback and stuff like that to give an educated opinion on if she is likely to be the real deal or not.

You may also learn from our critique and start using our thoughts to help you in the future.
Hello! and welcome we are all very friendly!
Come check out my profile
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Hi Dazza nice to have you here.

I cant really add anymore advice than what has already been given above the key one being research

Good luck in finding someone
Hey Dazza

Nice to see someone local to me. Can't offer much advice on girls local to you though as I tend to go further afield.

There are some nice people on here who I am sure will assist you in finding a good first experience - one word of advice though, do not let what you have between your legs rule your head - I can say that from experience Sad

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