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Weird and wonderful combinations!
me covered in strawberries & cream Tongue
I had a friend who like crisps with mayonnaise in a sandwich.
Frankly I think pickled gherkins go with everything (well, they need to be cornichons from Lidl actually).
mayo u have just given me a idea
Hope it was a good idea!
oh yes was a great idea
I used to date a guy who used to put mayo on top of a shop bought pizza and extra cheese before cooking it. God that must have been fattening! Of course he was slim and I had all the fat.

I like ghurkins, I hope they don't have the nasty thing that is killing all the German's on it.
eurgh no dont like gherkins
can't stand Mayo or Salad Cream. Did some work once for the factory in Selby that makes Mayo and Salad Cream. They had me look in a vat full of Mayo and it nearly became contaminated........

Kate - The Gherkins are pickled in so much vinegar I don't think it will be an issue....
(04-06-2011, 09:23)CurvaceousKate Wrote: I used to date a guy who used to put mayo on top of a shop bought pizza and extra cheese before cooking it. God that must have been fattening! Of course he was slim and I had all the fat.

I love pepperoni pizza dipped in mayo

Sounds yummy to me, I put mayo on pizza since him, but after it's cooked, not before. We'll have to have pizza when we all meet up, after the stovies that is.

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