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declaring earnings
hi im just wondering here how many cam girls actually declare themselves self employed? if you do--how do you go about working out your axes etc? x
I do, you need to contact HMRC and tell them you are self employed, they will tell you where to go from there.
I keep track of my earnings & expenses (there are other threads on here about what you can claim for) and send it off to my accountant to do the rest. I make 2 payments a year to HMRC, 1 in Jan & another in July.
Just make sure you save between 20-30% of every payment from AW and then the money is always there when it's due.
thanks where can I find the posts please? so is that what hmrc will take off me..20-0% of payments? x
If you get yourself verified for the private webcammers part of the forum you'll find all the information in there.

I'm kinda amazed at how so many people assume it's not someones first thought to declare their income. There's nothing but short term benefit to not declaring, and hardly worth the risk when you think about the penalties if/When you get caught.
If you get yourself verified for the private webcammers part of the forum you'll find all the information in there.

I'm kinda amazed at how so many people assume it's not someones first thought to declare their income. There's nothing but short term benefit to not declaring, and hardly worth the risk when you think about the penalties if/When you get caught.
I didn't declare for ages, then got fined something like £1400.00. Think it was £300 for failing to tell them I was self employed, plus a fine for missing a return, plus fine for paying late.....not worth it but I was listening to girls on another cam site that I won't mention.

It should only be about 20% as long as you don't go over the higher earning bracket then you pay 40%.
I save 30% just to I make sure I've got it covered, also then I have the money to pay my accountant fees. I like to think when I'm no longer self employed and make that final payment to HMRC, I might have a few grand left from that extra bit I've saved.
what the higher earning bracket?
About 42k last I knew but changes each year. Have a look on Google.
hi i have asked before but is it possible that i can join the private webcammers part of the forum plz?
do I need id to get in that section anyone know xxx

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