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DirectChat calls have a buzzy noise since yesterday
Hi everyone.

I just wanted to check if anyone else is having this problem with DirectChat. This is where there is no need to make a booking and the client just calls you. Very rarely there have been line clarity problems before but usually it is when the client is calling from Skype or other strange non phone thing.

Yesterday somebody called me, and i could just about hear his voice, there was a buzz on the line. We ended the call because we couldn't understand each other. I didnt' think anything of it, perhaps it was just a bad line. It happens sometimes.

But today the same thing happened. A caller had to hang up for the same reason, he said he would try again. He did and the line was buzzy. I think he was calling from an Iphone.

My phone is a mobile one and it works fine because other calls i receive are clear as normal. Therefore the problem iswith Adultwork. Only one call today was clear and the others were buzzy.

As an aside: is there a phone line which is best to use? I would presume any phone line like a BT land line would be OK or a mobile phone. But what about things like Whatsapp and Iphones and all these weird things? Maybe Adultwork should advise clients what is the best type of phone to use for phone clarity so they don't waste their money calling from Iphones or Whatsapp or Skype and other things.

BaCK TO THE PROBLEM - Is anyone else experiencing a buzzy noise on DirectChat? I posted this here because it crossed my mind it have to do with the hacking that Adultwork suffered from, and not the clients phone service.
I had the same yesterday and thought it was a one off . This morning I had it again , he rang back it was ok then. I wonder if it was his mobile or something . Strange somebody else having this problem Sad

I never had this before, my line is normally clear as anything .

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I had a call today which was clear.

Can anyone at Adultwork tell us why this happens? Thnaks
All the rest of my calls were clear today. Maybe a glitch

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I get it sometimes. Theres not really a pattern to it x
I had alot of calls on bank holiday monday and it happened to all of them so I said just call me straight back they did and it worked second time. Then yesterday early am it was the same then a reg called and it sorted itself out so assume there was a glitch in the system as in 5 years it not done that before. Least it sorted x

I never had this ever before. You could tell somethime wasn't right . Now its perfect and back to normal for me Big Grin

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Yes true I hadnt was going to email them yesterday after bank holiday bit it got sorted so perfect all round xx

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