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guys do u ever read these on a girls site
Given any situation I take any details given to make a more informed choice, but then part of my work is research, so call me weird but I read.
I've no doubt many gents don't read them and/or plainly believe that they won't apply to them so in that case it makes no ends if you take time on your faqs or not. Perhaps it's part of the male instruction manual philosophy.
Myself, I might pay too much attention to grammar, but it hasn't failed me yet to a degree that I would consider discount its use. If you can't take time to word a simple faq to me that shows laziness. Chances are, anyone worth their salt in this industry will also have an opinion on how they like things done and the faq is the place for that.
Thats our Pan x
Of course I read them, although sometimes the important questions aren't always addressed

like what important ones
i agree most guys seem to ignore them in my opinion, but for those who do i'd love to know what you would like to see there
When i set up my profile I didnt have many faq on it but gradually add to it as questions are asked I think oh that can go on my list
I would never contact without reading them! Can't understand why anyone wouldn't read them beforehand!
A gent......but a naughty one

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