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Dogging Tales - Ch4 10pm, Thurs Night
(05-04-2013, 12:11)Ana_X Wrote: Wasn't until the drive home I discovered I'd picked up three tiny ticks on my ankles!

Bugs and the cold weather is what puts me off enjoying dogging in the UK, much more fun on the beach in the sun, but give me a comfortable bed any day

Sarah x x x
Best thing about that program was the wildlife!
(05-04-2013, 11:06)wife4rent Wrote: Some great scenery shots and wildlife, anybody turning over at some points would be thinking they were watching a nature program with people animal masks to try and blend in.Sarah x x x

This program was real bad. Undecided and all those weird masks . You could be right with the masks trying to blend in with nature lol.

I wonder if thats the company who emailed me and asked if I wanted to take part lolololol.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

I watched about 10 minutes of the program, that was about all I could take. What was with the face masks?Rolleyes
Totally shit forced myself to watch 21 mins of it........yawn.........dogging would not really be for me anyway, a lot of bareback merchants if you ask me.

uneducated lot they had on there ;-/
Ive gotta watch this now on 4od see what its all about! xx

Twitter @dirtyangelcam
Well am 9 mins in on catch up tv, and struggling NOT to press the stop button. Weirdy music and masks? Huh, what's that all about?

EDIT - well the stop button won - what utter carp!
Just watched this with the fella lol. When it finally ended he turned to me, and said:

'Well, that was shit!' Hehe.

The whole thing was shot like some weird, blair witch style horror film.

Interesting, that the guy who claimed that all condoms are 'too small' wasn't asked whether or not he had bareback sex whilst dogging. They tried to focus on the supposed weirdness and insecurity of the dogging community, but avoid some fairly crucial questions in my opinion.

Assuming I fancied a little outing to my local dogging spot, I wouldn't mind knowing if the typical male participant would be likely to attempt unprotected sex with me.

And why, oh why, did we have to know what aftershave he uses?! FFS!!

And the bit when the cute dog (perhaps channel 4's symbol of the more innocent use of the word) did a shit was hilarious. They probably thought 'Ah, we've really hit the jackpot' when that got caught on film Smile.

Heidi x
[Image: 7997.jpg]
Just watched it all with my husband made us laugh the bit when they were having candlelit KFC lol As others have said the best bit about it was the wildlife x

Twitter @dirtyangelcam

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