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How much to charge for managing a profile??
Evening ladies & gents,

Hope you have all had a relaxing weekend Smile

I'm helping a young lady set up her profile on Adultwork in the next few days. She has mentioned she would like someone to manage her profile for her in return for a percentage of any money made from it.

I'm currently considering this as I can only manager the profile before and after normal working hours so I will need to see if she is happy with this.

My question is: What are the rates that you guys and girls use to manage a profile? I don't want to be ripping anyone off but at the same time It also has to be worth my while.


Darren x
Nothing!! Since she can do it perfectly well herself it would be a rip off

If you REALLY want to help then tell her how to get set up by herself i.e. read all the help guides, navigate around the site and read/ play with everything. Tell her how to donload justcamit and get her settings right.

DO NOT take money from her.. that just makes you a pimp taking advantage, and there are plenty of those already on AW thank you very much!
What do you define as 'managing' the profile? I mean what could you be doing for her that she couldn't do for herself in minutes? What are your relevant skills which are being traded for pay?
A percentage of her earnings! Dodgy

She can come here and get advice for free.

I'd never trust anyone to look after mine let alone pay them!!!!!!

I mean it really is sooooooooo exhausting running my profile I dont know how I cope!
Stop Escorting Summer 2013 so Book while you still can!
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As I understand it, you are something of a novice yourself, aren't you? So I'm not sure what you think you can offer her? Perhaps if you could tell us what you intend to actually "do" in order to earn your money, we might be able to suggest whether or not it sounds like you will benefit her and what a fair value for that benefit might be?

Just the question you've asked seems to imply that you don't really know how to help her or what "managing" a profile actually entails. If you did then you would know what your costs were likely to be in terms of both time and money, as well as what her likely income might be, and so be able to understand what kind of fee you would need to apply in order to make it worth your while as well as being able to demonstrate to her exactly why she would be better off handing her profile over to you. On the whole, managing profiles works because of the economies of scale, I think? If you are only managing one profile, then you achieve none of those economies... so either you are going to be charging her so little that you are working for nothing, or she is going to be paying you so much that she is working for nothing!

So.... I'm kind of with Jem on this.....

Unless you have something unique which you can offer her, you'd be no better than some of the unscrupulous studio groups which are around.

If she is really intimidated by it all and just doesn't want to manage her own profile, then direct her here. Once she has chatted with some of the girls here, she may well decide that she can manage it herself after all. And if not, then she can get free advice on what the benefits of joining various groups are... every group is different and brings different benefits... and, to be fair, different drawbacks.

There are two very well known and extremely prominent groups represented here (where is KDB, incidentally... haven't seen her around for a while?) and plenty of girls to advise her.

I would strongly recommend that you direct her here where she can find advice about some of the more reputable groups who can really add value for her and allow her to hit the ground running, so to speak. That is what you would do if you really wanted to help her, rather than just take a portion of her income without really giving her anything in return.

Transsexual working girl in Surrey
See me on AdultWork

Call 07856 061172
Follow @Trinity_Belle on Twitter
Hello all Smile

The reason she has given me that she can't do this herself is she doesn't have access to a laptop or computer.

She has no interest in webcamming at the moment purely escorting. I presume she would like to set up a private gallery and movie section.

In terms of running it (and this hasn't been properly discussed yet) I get the impression she is looking for someone to reply to emails, booking requests and keep the profile and content up to date. More than this unfortunately I don't know.

In terms of all the comments about how I shouldn't be asking for money to do this. The reason I would expect to be paid is because it will be my time taken up each day also I will be taking any movies & pictures for her profile. Obviously having never done this before I don't know how much of my time it will take up hence the original question. I am not here to scam anyone although I am aware there are probably a lot of people like this out there.

If she cannot represent herself on cam and you are purely selling pictures of her, then the guys will feel scammed by "yet another" gallery set up! Honestly have a look around for how bad some guys already think AW is for that. It's the main reason a lot of guys don't even use AW at all because they think all the escort profiles are fake. If you're seriously thinking of doing that then you're just going to add to that problem. I'm not even sure AW would allow it?

Your best bet is to allow her use of your internet or guide her to an internet cafe so she can set up a simple website and/ or an AW profile of her own. It's not rocket science and I am sure she's a big girl now and can handle it by herself without a MAN to take care of her (and her money!)

Actually I had a funny feeling the first time i looked at your profile and saw all the pics/ movies of girls I assume you're also "looking out for". Now I'm fairly sure you're a troll/ pimp/ studio owner wannabe, so I just won't post on any more of your topics.
Katie I think that is for the best if that is what you think.

I am not a troll or a pimp.

I'm not looking to purely sell her pictures. As I said her main aim is to escort I have explained above what I know so far in terms of what she would like me to do.

Trinity you make some good points! I will also mention the internet cafe to her although I would have expected her to already thought of this and dismissed the idea if she is asking me?

I am not "looking out for" anyone. This is a request that I received today and yes being a novice I was unsure what to do.

Personally I think all of my contributions to other threads and the threads I have posted have been valid so if you are looking at my profile and thinking this is an amateur that's because that is exactly what I am! Hence the questions.

Okay... I understand.

You must forgive our slightly aggressive response... try reading your op again and pretend you are one of us reading it and maybe you will understand some of the outrage you've inadvertently stirred up! lol Wink

(06-01-2013, 19:48)manchester_gent Wrote: In terms of running it (and this hasn't been properly discussed yet) I get the impression she is looking for someone to reply to emails, booking requests and keep the profile and content up to date. More than this unfortunately I don't know.

Ahhhh... okay... well here you need to be careful because unless you are an agency or she employs you as her "maid" (lol), then this kind of thing is called either "controlling women for the purposes of prostitution" or "living off immoral earnings" both of which are illegal and carry custodial sentences... so I'd be very careful if I were you.

(06-01-2013, 19:48)manchester_gent Wrote: The reason she has given me that she can't do this herself is she doesn't have access to a laptop or computer.
Well, unless she has a mobile phone out of the iron age, she can get internet access on her phone... which should be sufficient for her email and booking request requirements.

So I think you need to decide exactly what it is that you are going to do for her and then figure out how you can fit that into a legal and legitimate framework which doesn't leave you exposed.

If that is her intention, then I think you should probably recommend that she joins a reputable agency or even seeks work at a parlour, just until she can afford to set up independently. This will also have the advantage of teaching her the ropes if she is inexperienced.

Am I right in presuming that she is in the Manchester area?

If so then depending on what she wants, I can recommend either:

...both of whom are known to me.

If she is not in Manchester then let us know where she is and I'm sure that between us we will be able to point you and her in the right direction.

You want the best for her, right?

Then give her the right advice.
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
See me on AdultWork

Call 07856 061172
Follow @Trinity_Belle on Twitter
Do you know what Trinity! VERY naive I know but I did not know that is what it is classed as If I managed her profile and I'm guessing neither does she!

I know for a fact she has a Blackberry! Does adultwork have an app?

We are meeting tomorrow evening so I'll show her the agencies you have recommended. I know she would prefer to be independent so I'll see what she thinks about managing her own profile through her Blackberry or the internet cafe option.

Thank you for your help much appreciated Big Grin


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