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Saying i have a negative balance....again!
Ok, so on the transfer request form, it is saying:

The following problem(s) were detected:

Performing this transfer would result in you having a negative balance. This is because you have spent some, or all, of the credits you have earned.

I have not spent a penny out of my earnings at all, it did this last month, and took £45 from me, now it is saying that my credits are the right amount, but my actual balance is £35 Negative.

it has this:

Click here to correct the above negative balance problem. We will look through your earned credits and mark each transaction, (to the value of 34.86), as non-transferable so as to prevent them from being included on transfer requests. Alternatively, un-tick some transactions until the amount to transfer is less than your current balance. If this doesn't make sense, please review the Help Desk.

I have never spent a penny of my credits occured, and last time i i clicked the "click here" button, it took £45 from me for nothing!.

can someone help please
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Emily Heart
I have this every week.

Here is the help centre article about it.

I get a message about a negative balance when withdrawing

If you are getting, "Performing this transfer would result in you having a negative balance...." when you are attempting to make a transfer request then the following has happened.

You have been earning credits ( examples are through Private Gallery Subscriptions, Movie Views, Webcam/Phone Chat Sessions etc.) but credits have also been spent by you, (on the same or on DirectCam and DirectChat Facility fees or on paid for facilities such as being featured, displaying the phone number, available today feature etc.) .

The transfer request process starts off by trying to give you everything that your profile has earned but If some of these earned credits have been spent this would result in a negative balance which is what you are now seeing.

So for Example- If a profile had received in total 5 credits but had spent 1 credit then the transfer system would start of by trying to pay all 5 credits that the profile had earned (This earned figure would be the Credits and Value figures you see in the transfer totals).

However because 1 credit has been spent on something (let us say on phone number display charge for the purposes of this example) there are only 4 credits left of the 5 earned which you are entitled to withdraw (this withdrawal figure would be the Current Balance you see in the transfer totals).

Therefore at this stage of the transfer calculation you have a negative balance of 1 credit (this would be the figure you see in brackets in the sentence which starts “click here” and is the negative balance or in other words the shortfall between the current balance and the credits balance and value amounts you can see on the transfer totals).

So the system is stuck as it's impossible to transfer more than is available (what you are entitled to) and it can't proceed to continue with the transfer calculation at this point.Instead it produces a message saying “Performing this transfer would result in you having a negative balance. This is because you have spent some, or all, of the credits you have earned”

You then need to read the sentence which follows directly underneath that error message and act upon its advice .It says "Click here to correct the above negative balance problem."

Put your cursor over it and click it and in most cases this in-place routine fixes the negative balance and you can transfer.

Read on and understand how it’s fixed then if it doesn’t fix it for you ,you will understand why and what to do next.

To fix it the system finds a transaction or a series of individual credit transactions in your credit history page which match the negative balance amount and it marks those transaction as NON TRANSFERABLE (so based on the 5 credit example above what it does is go through the 5 credits the profile received and marks one of them as not being transferable. So, the withdrawal process will then say that the true credit balance (earnings less expenditure ) is 4 and that is now the same as the amount the profile is entitled to withdraw 4 - 4 = 0 which is fine and the transfer can complete successfully.

The "Click Here " link does a few other things if it can't find any credit earnings that exactly match the value of the shortfall. (E.g. if you had received 5 credits from earns of 2.50 credits x 2). You may see a message on your Credits History saying something like was [amount] and then after that see from previous. This is where it has split your earns in to two transactions so it can then mark one of them as not transferrable.

So if you act upon the messages which are being presented to you on the transfer page in most cases the issue is resolved and you can complete the transfer.

If it doesn't work you will get a message which says "x credits could not be removed from your transfer request as you have not received credits in corresponding quantities." In such cases the transfer system is not able to deal with this negative balance problem because the most recent transaction detailed in the credit history is a spend or is not available for withdrawal, (see the date next to each transaction on your Credits History).

If you are experiencing this problem then you have 3 options.

Option 1.On the Transfer page you are presented with a list of transactions which are ticked and form the total credits and value figures .Un-tick some transactions and you will see these amounts decrease .Keep un-ticking until the amount to transfer is less than your current balance and you will then be able to transfer.

Option 2. Wait until the last transaction on your credits history is available for withdrawal before attempting to transfer as it will resolve the issue .(The transfer deadline is a Tuesday before the processing date moves on another week and by then the credits not available now will be more than likely available for withdrawal).

When are transactions normally available for withdrawal?

-If you do webcam or phone chat then this would be when immediately after you have finished a booking.

-If you have movies, this would be immediately after you have received a movie view, (assuming the shortfall is less than the price of the movie).

-If you only have a private gallery you need to keep a close eye on the dates of withdrawal but you probably get subscriptions to often to make this possible, especially if you are spending credits on the other features of the site.

Option 3. If you have tried deselecting individual credit items but still can’t transfer and if the amount of the negative balance for your is BELOW 1 credit then we will lend you the amount. This is rarely done until the cut off date for bank transfers (Tuesday) though as you have time to upload a movie or perform a session that would, as per option 2 above to fix the problem.

If are still having trouble understanding this artcile then please review the article entitled "Negative balance messages -Further clarification required"

If you have tried the above and the negative balance is below 1 credit contact us for a transfer fix loan here
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
Negative balances will always occur due to the fact that AW deduct facility fees and JustCamIt fees, there's nothing you can do to stop it happening.

For e.g. you do a webcam show, make 30 credits, they take off their 5% fee and you just transfer those credits from a previous time, and it's still sitting there in your credits transfer page - someone then subscribes to your private gallery for 2 weeks, that costs them, I dunno 35 credits for arguments sake, that will show in your statement but not be available.

You then can use the 'old' webcam show credits for transferring...

A little confusing but I NEVER did the whole negative balance thing ever again after that, as it meant what showed on my statement, I could always extract.

Hope that makes some kind of sense to someone, lol.
The balance you are trying to transfer is higher than what you have actually earned, as others have said its the facility fee for dc. If you look on "your details" page, (i think) thats what you have earned, you will then see the difference between that and whats on the transfer page. when you "click here" you will be left with the correct amount of credits you have earned usually, occasionally you it will be something like 0.01 credit and you will have to untick a box with the lowest amount of credits yourself. Whats left will still be there for you to transfer next time
I've had the same message and I don't get it. It says I've spent 0.17 but I've not spent a single thing and when I look through my credit statement I can see the credits earned on Direct Cam and the credits taken out for the facility fee for Direct Cam. There is no incomings or outgoings for 0.17 and I haven't spent anything. I've read the other replies and I still don't get it.
Hi, the JCI fee is an expense. The 0.17 could be an accumulative number so you may not find a listing for 0.17 exactly.

UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

Just find it odd as I can see the credits coming in for each private and the credits going out for the facility fee for each one so it just didn't make sense as it looked like an extra 0.17 had been taken out for nothing.

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