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First Two-girl Experience!
I must share this with you all! On Sunday evening I finally realised a fantasy and had an amazing session with two sexy ladies. Whoever said the dream is always better than the real thing had obviously never experienced this. It was truly out if this world. The two ladies themselves were gorgeous and really enjoyed each others bodies too. They both had gorgeous big breasts, in fact one of them had the biggest breasts I've ever encountered and on a lovely slim body too. They both enjoyed, and I mean enjoyed, receiving oral and I spent most of the time with my face buried deep in the pussy of one or other of them while the other attended to my hardness - absolute bliss! I could go on and on it was so good but perhaps I shouldn't. All I would say is, guys, if you get the chance to do this, take it and ladies, if you have a girlfriend and are thinking of offering this (if you don't already) then please go ahead! By the way, I'm not giving details of the contact because I don't want anybody booking them when I want them again - yes, selfish I know! And if the two lovely ladies themselves are on this forum and recognise me - thanks a million times; you were fantastic!
Glad you enjoyed it! For me threesomes are like Christmas dinner - a nice change once a year but not something I want every day. I'd had a couple of threesomes in my private life before I had one with two escorts and whilst it was very good, I didn't feel like I wanted a repeat performance for a while. One of the girls asked me which I'd like to have sex first - and naturally I selected the girl I considered the prettier (i.e. the other one). The girl who asked was quite put out and her smile disappeared for the rest of the booking. I hasten to add it wasn't because she wasn't getting sex first per se, but because I'd selected her colleague and there was obvious rivalry.

So like I say, once in a while is enjoyable but not too often.
I haven't tried a threesome yet, but it's on my to-do list... and, yes, I was wondering if the "who goes first" issue might cause a problem.

I must remember to take a coin. "Heads or tails?"
Sorry to butt in here, but I wanna add my 2 cents (metaphorically, I'm no yankee) - since when has sex been about who's prettiest? Some of the 'prettiest' guys I've shagged have been the shittiest. Sex is about who's FILTHIEST. Amen mofos.
There was a bisexual girl-girl couple in Bristol a while back, with a "pretty one" (slim, pert boobs, mane of long wavy black hair, high cheekbones, pointy nose, mischievous smile, looked like a sexy witch) and a "filthy one" (busty blonde, dress size 12 or thereabouts: offered prostate massage and several other services that the other one did not). And all for an hourly rate of £140 for the pair (they had no feedback on their shared profile, but the blonde had feedback on hers). I hotlisted them, but then they disappeared before I got around to booking... just my luck!
Best two girl I had got to be Danni and roxanne in Birmingham mind blowing
I've never tried a FFM. I don't find girl on girl action a turn on if I'm honest. I'm probably more attuned to the intensity of a one to one when you, hopefully, both click.
(28-10-2012, 19:19)Simon Wrote: I haven't tried a threesome yet, but it's on my to-do list... and, yes, I was wondering if the "who goes first" issue might cause a problem.

I must remember to take a coin. "Heads or tails?"

Who goes first didn't come into it! They decided with one sitting on my face while the other worked on my cock including tucking me - then they changed and then changed again and again ....... Heaven!!
A while ago I had a threesome French Kiss, but it went different than I expected. Both WGs liked to DFK me, but it doesn't work for me. I prefer to kiss one lady at a time.
glad you had a good time nomad. i almost always suggest this at the start of a booking and am surprised we don't get more gents take us up on it.

davidseven and simon - get a 2girl booked asap, you don't know what you're missing Wink

can't say i've ever been bothered about who gets to 'go' first, greeneyes Smile
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