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Studio Groups Taking Advantage of Girls
Don't know if you noticed the first girl at the
bottom, who escaped from a previous scam studio, whose name on SW is something like bunny girls... I don't mean to come to assumptions but!
Hi, yeh I thought it looked quite similar to a previous studio. Parasites.
UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

This happened to my friend charlie over a year ago, she was with this scam group and she left set up a profile (the group kept reporting new profile) in end she got her new profile and the group was forced to make her profile (in the group) as content only!

They also never paid her owed her over 1000 pound! i even emailed them for her and they just block you so they cant recieve emails for you (probly why its shown as unread! she never got her money from them! iv met both owners of the group! as i did a photo shoot with them few years ago! bullys and con artists! i do believe they will be scared of the emails they get from ADMIN, and your more likely to get your money ur owed when admin have stepped in and emailed them.

I emailed some of the girls on the group when it happened to charlie to advise them and try help getting them out, i never got a responce! im guessing the group manager deleted the messages from the girls profiles before they saw them!

They have a bad reputation in the model/porn industry!

I realy hope all the girls read this thread and get out of that scam group! and my advice would be to contact admin for help! not other groups or cam models ADMIN! im sorry but from personally knowing the group managers (bullys) the scare tatic from admin are most likely to make this group pay up!

Good luck everyone xx

Ok, a bit of feedback...

I've been out of that group and with the fabulous PORN CENTRAL for a while now (maybe over 2 months).

I have seen a dramatic increase in my earnings over all, and a dramatic increase in support. Not only have several of the girls escaped, but most have joined a group which is completely not for profit, other than the way in which it profits each member. I don't believe my old group ever featured us or made us group of the day (my current group does this amazingly well, and charges a very modest fee for the trouble). I was having 20% taken from my earnings for absolutely fuck all.

The really embarrassing thing is that it makes me realize that I wasn't nearly as wise as I thought I was when I started camming. My old GM and his wife invited me on an all expenses paid trip to porturgal to get me started. They manipulate girls into their group by offering a free holiday (which then turned into a succession of trips that I paid for, in exchange for poor quality images and pics, many of which probably hindered my ability to make money in that they were so unflattering). But I naively believed that being in the group would improve my earnings and went along with it.

The best video I had for my old profile was a full length rental that was done on one of my trips over there. I was using their video camera. But I filmed the whole thing myself. They took 20% for everything, and sell rentals (like this one, which I essentially produced) on sites like clips for sale.

Because the GM's wife is herself a webcammer, I believe they use this as a further tool for manipulation. You are lead to believe that you are entering into safer situation. I felt that if his wife was doing it, then the whole thing was cool and above board. Stupid I know, but hey ho. She will of course get her full 70%, but also has the option to do absolutely sweet FA when we are doing the work for her.

I hope that everyone in that group manages to get out. It might be stressful and might require emails to AW to ask for help. But it is possible and enough of us have done that now to prove this!

Oh, and I didn't get paid for my final week or so's work. Luckily, I'd hardly been on that week so I didn't miss much. Just a further insult really. Just pleased to be out of the group Smile.
[Image: 7997.jpg]
Update on studio email address:

If contacted by this person do not reply, avoid them.
UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

Did anyone see this on MSE?
(17-10-2012, 21:36)Admin Wrote: Update on studio email address:

If contacted by this person do not reply, avoid them.

If been working for the group "Happy Times" I havent been paid for 4 weeks and have constantly tried to contact this Lisa to no response! Any advice where do i go from here?

Time to get a new independent account Smile
UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

I have now, im doing web cam independantly now. Am i likely to get paid at all? Is there anyway i can make them pay me my wages im owed?? Surely Adultworks have to stop people like this??
(31-10-2012, 15:24)Kirsty Wrote: I have now, im doing web cam independantly now. Am i likely to get paid at all? Is there anyway i can make them pay me my wages im owed?? Surely Adultworks have to stop people like this??

The thing is, as I say in my group page on Porn Central, you sign over your profile to the mercy of your group manager.

Choose wisely!

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