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(14-08-2012, 14:29)wife4rent Wrote: Unfortunately, these days punters often have 2nd phones / sim cards they use to reduce the risk of being caught out and very often they change them when getting new credit

Sarah x x x

Another good reason to give no quarter.
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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(14-08-2012, 14:29)wife4rent Wrote: Unfortunately, these days punters often have 2nd phones / sim cards they use to reduce the risk of being caught out and very often they change them when getting new credit

Sarah x x x

Its in the punters intrest to safeguard himself from being found out by a partner, thats the main reason why guys do this.

If you would prefere the guy to be caught out by using the one phone that he always uses, and have the partner texting you to find out whom you are, and why there are calls made to you, then thats the alternative.

But if guys dont feel safe that they can get away with punting, then they are just going to walk into parlours where there is no booking ahead to be made.


I think you missed the whole point to my comment, if they use disposable sim cards that they change each month, it will not matter if a girl blocks them as that number will no longer be used by the said idiot / timewaster.

I have no reason to suggest that punters should be caught out by their wives / partners

Sarah x x x
(14-08-2012, 18:28)wife4rent Wrote: spklors

I think you missed the whole point to my comment, if they use disposable sim cards that they change each month, it will not matter if a girl blocks them as that number will no longer be used by the said idiot / timewaster.

I have no reason to suggest that punters should be caught out by their wives / partners

Sarah x x x

There is good and bad in everything, an really I dont have the answer to the idiots who seem hell bent on screwing things up, by just thinking about texting or phoning someone with no rhyme or reason for doing so.

All I suggest we do is try to play with an open mind, and treat each other with the same sort of respect that we would like shown to us.
(14-08-2012, 19:08)spklors Wrote: There is good and bad in everything, an really I dont have the answer to the idiots who seem hell bent on screwing things up, by just thinking about texting or phoning someone with no rhyme or reason for doing so.

All I suggest we do is try to play with an open mind, and treat each other with the same sort of respect that we would like shown to us.

Well, fortunately, that is what the vast majority of us do... guys and girls alike.

But sadly there are a small number of men (boys?) who seem to get off on messing girls around.

And you guys have frustrations too, with some girls not being quite what you thought they were.

They only thing we can do, in my opinion, is play nice with the many and don't get stressed about the few.
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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Call 07856 061172
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Thats a good answer Trinity. I try never to get stressed by the amount of ladies out there that are not quite what they should be. In fact some are fairly invisable
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

There are timewasters on both sides,Leggy, here, although thankfully, the quality outweighs the dross considerably. As with all businesses, it is recognising areas where effort is wasted or mis-directed and channelling that energy into more profitable, ( and enjoyable) areas. Naming and shaming, as has already been highlighted, may give you a degree of satisfaction, but I would question legality here, and sadly, will only serve to draw attention in all the wrong ways. Use the blocking system on AW and report abuses. Ignore the weeds - go for the pick of the bunch. As in all walks of life, the timewasters and losers grab far too much attention !When I am next down in Pompey,I must call in and discuss my own little fetish with you..............................

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