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Hi there.

Fed up with timewasters, negotiating prices, no shows, re-arranging bookings etc.

My name is Leggy, I offer escort and domination services on AW and on my own site . As you guys have no doubt experienced there’s lots of timewasters out there. Know this is a common problem, the amount of time spent dealing with these people impacts work and social time and I am determined to tackle the issue. I have therefore decided to highlight the issue and have created a Name & Shame (Wankers Corner) on my website. The objective being to show up these individuals, make them aware of their self-obsessed behaviour, their lack of any social skills or common decency, and just being downright ignorant.

Even if only 10% change their ways it has to be worth the effort.

I have already received emails from other girls and I would appreciate your input with similar experiences or where you would like to Name & Shame individuals.

Please email me your stories, your input will be anonymous, unless you specify otherwise.

Best regards

(13-08-2012, 20:39)Leggy Wrote: Hi there.

Fed up with timewasters, negotiating prices, no shows, re-arranging bookings etc.

It is all part of the job, I go to work for the day, they either turn up or they do not, I go home....

(13-08-2012, 20:39)Leggy Wrote: I have therefore decided to highlight the issue and have created a Name & Shame (Wankers Corner) on my website.

I am not sure about the legality of doing that as you appear to have published a phone number, but I can only see it causing you problems, drawing unwanted attention to yourself rather than them.

(13-08-2012, 20:39)Leggy Wrote: The objective being to show up these individuals, make them aware of their self-obsessed behaviour, their lack of any social skills or common decency, and just being downright ignorant.

Not sure that will happen, but good luck!

We have to face up to the fact that time wasters are part of the business and have been since man got an erection, let the idiots pass by, don't get frustrated by them. Try and fight the need to reply to idiots, ignore them or you encourage them.

Lastly, try and remember that an idiot is being the way they are because they are an idiot and do not know any better, therefore they think they are doing no wrong. There is very little you can do to show them otherwise, they just think it is you being unreasonable, nothing to do with them.

Sarah x x x
As everyone says it is part and parcel of the industry, I general clock one within the first 30 seconds of a conversation. If a client does not show up or cancels I tend to log it and if a cancel the reason for his cancelling.

Yes they do tend to call again but that is when I just ignore their calls. I do not have time to deal with immature men when I have a child to raise and as for abusive men, well it says a lot about them and hence I would hate to be the woman who gets to have an appointment with one of them.
I used to be snow white but drifted...

It's rather counter productive dont you think?

Come book our escorts but make one mistake we'll name and shame you?

You'll put even genuine guys off Rolleyes
Stop Escorting Summer 2013 so Book while you still can!
[Image: sigbanner.jpg]
To the best of my knowledge it is actually against the law to list their FULL mobile number. If it wasnt, ALL forums would list the full numbers. Think it has something to do with Data Protection Act but don't quote me on that.

TW's were here long before we were and will be here long after we aregone. Ignore Ignore Ignore. They don't deserve the headspace. Rolleyes
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
It's just one of those things.... no big deal really. Definitely not worth getting worked up about.

Guys who text instead of calling just get a two word reply "Call me". Some will then call, others reply saying "okay, can't talk just now but will call you later" to which I reply with "Okay, speak later x" and others start giving me all sorts of excuses and reason why the cant call... I just don't reply. I've asked them to call me, they know what they've got to do, it really isn't hard! They might send 4 or 5 or 10 or 20 texts but eventually they give up.

I had a guy the other day ask me if I could call him because he had no credit... wtf? If you can't afford to put a tenner on your phone then you certainly can't afford £150 to come and see me! lol.

And my view on guys who don't read the FAQs is that they just find it easier to ask... they don't want to know the answer to the other 20 questions and they can't be arsed to read through them all just in case the one they happen to want to know the answer to just happens to be there.

If someone seems to be a TW then their number goes on block. If someone doesn't show up for an appointment and doesn't get in contact to explain themselves later that same day they go on block. No stress... I just never speak to them again. Shimples.

I earn enough not to worry about the odd loss here and there... it's just the nature of the business.

All businesses are the same.
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
See me on AdultWork

Call 07856 061172
Follow @Trinity_Belle on Twitter
It has less impact for us webcammers but they do the same too...wanting us to change (I only do that during a show or when they have booked a show), wanting us to get something to show them we have it/what it looks like, giving detailed role plays for us to remember but then no show or phone call follows, asking in free if we're ready for private and expecting us to change position, strip, get excited or something, emailing about phone chats and all other kinds of rubbish that we don't do.

Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
(14-08-2012, 14:17)Classy_Katy Wrote: It has less impact for us webcammers but they do the same too...wanting us to change (I only do that during a show or when they have booked a show), wanting us to get something to show them we have it/what it looks like, giving detailed role plays for us to remember but then no show or phone call follows, asking in free if we're ready for private and expecting us to change position, strip, get excited or something, emailing about phone chats and all other kinds of rubbish that we don't do.

Totally agree with you. Comes with the job.

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

(14-08-2012, 13:02)Trinity-Belle Wrote: If someone seems to be a TW then their number goes on block. If someone doesn't show up for an appointment and doesn't get in contact to explain themselves later that same day they go on block. No stress... I just never speak to them again. Shimples.

Unfortunately, these days punters often have 2nd phones / sim cards they use to reduce the risk of being caught out and very often they change them when getting new credit

Sarah x x x
I tend to agree that name and shame does not do much, I have recently booked an escort, and she didnt turn up at the agreed time, was waiting for a parcel and turned up 90 minutes later.

One escort I enquired about last month, sent me 8 text's prior to the booking, trying to change the date, then the time, then asking for a deposit, and finally asking if I could bring her some groceries when I called, at this point I just cancelled.

So it does happen the other way also.

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