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Studio Groups Taking Advantage of Girls
Lol, that sounds dodgy already!

Does he have your address etc.?
(09-07-2012, 21:42)curiousgeorge Wrote: Lol, that sounds dodgy already!

Does he have your address etc.?

You know what? I'm not entirely sure, but I would hazard a guess at no, because I've moved since I started camming and Ive never recieved any postal correspondence from him (ever) and on top of that, I simply can't remember ever telling him anything. Unless he would have needed it to set up my payment details (but even then it would have been my old address)...

I would say he is almost certainly bluffing... and more importantly, there is a concept in English law of an "unfair contract" which is meant to protect people from underhanded and unscrupulous behaviour like this.

Legally, I think he is on very dodgy ground. If you can substantiate your claims that he has behaved this way, then he is "controlling" you, which is pimping, which is illegal. Simple as that really.

It is likely that the cost of taking you to court is probably more than he could possibly hope to recoup, so he just won't bother... especially knowing what dodgy ground he is on. He could only take you to "small claims" because the amount of money involved is so trivial (in the grand scheme of things) and because of that, a "no costs" policy usually applies... which basically means that he is unlikely to be able to claim against you for the cost of bringing the case even if he wins. The judge can award costs, but in reality they rarely do, and even when they do it tends to be in the hundreds of pounds rather than the thousands... probably less than you will save by ditching him!

Personally, I very much doubt that the contract is worth the paper it is written on... most especially if he is not paying out to promote your profile.

My advice would be.... if you ditch him, tell AW what you are doing and why, set up a new profile and ask them to close your old one. Be up front with AW and they will help you... try to deceive them and they will come down on you like a ton of bricks. I am sure they will be very interested to hear about how he operates.
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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(09-07-2012, 22:59)Trinity-Belle Wrote: I would say he is almost certainly bluffing... and more importantly, there is a concept in English law of an "unfair contract" which is meant to protect people from underhanded and unscrupulous behaviour like this.

Legally, I think he is on very dodgy ground. If you can substantiate your claims that he has behaved this way, then he is "controlling" you, which is pimping, which is illegal. Simple as that really.

It is likely that the cost of taking you to court is probably more than he could possibly hope to recoup, so he just won't bother... especially knowing what dodgy ground he is on. He could only take you to "small claims" because the amount of money involved is so trivial (in the grand scheme of things) and because of that, a "no costs" policy usually applies... which basically means that he is unlikely to be able to claim against you for the cost of bringing the case even if he wins. The judge can award costs, but in reality they rarely do, and even when they do it tends to be in the hundreds of pounds rather than the thousands... probably less than you will save by ditching him!

Personally, I very much doubt that the contract is worth the paper it is written on... most especially if he is not paying out to promote your profile.

My advice would be.... if you ditch him, tell AW what you are doing and why, set up a new profile and ask them to close your old one. Be up front with AW and they will help you... try to deceive them and they will come down on you like a ton of bricks. I am sure they will be very interested to hear about how he operates.

Thanks babe, I will contact AW right now and see what they say Smile I will keep you all posted Smile xx

The first thing he would need is your real name and address (which I did ask above but I think my post got overlooked), without your current address he would need to go to trouble and expense in order to find it.

I take it he hasn't even said what he would sue you for? Which even more makes it sound like a bluff.

Litigation doesn't have to cost a lot of money and the court would look at the balance of power at play, even if you have entered this contract on a commercial basis. I'm sure you could play the coercion or misrepresentation card if need be.
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
(10-07-2012, 06:18)Classy_Katy Wrote: The first thing he would need is your real name and address (which I did ask above but I think my post got overlooked), without your current address he would need to go to trouble and expense in order to find it.

I take it he hasn't even said what he would sue you for? Which even more makes it sound like a bluff.

Litigation doesn't have to cost a lot of money and the court would look at the balance of power at play, even if you have entered this contract on a commercial basis. I'm sure you could play the coercion or misrepresentation card if need be.

I think he has my real name, but not my current address. No, I've not said anything about leaving yet as want to get all the facts before I do so, in case I land myself in a lot of trouble, worst of all, my continuation of cam work on AW. I will contact him again and ask for my contract to be sent to me. Or should I leave it as it is, seeing as me not having a copy may lend a bit more weight to my situation? xx

I am trying to contact AW but in the pop-up window the send button isn't visible? Sad x
It's always best to have a copy of the contract, then you know what your position actually is. If he starts talking about you being in breach, ask him to tell you precisely which clauses he thinks you have breached/will breach if you leave.

He will need to provide a copy of the contract or at least refer to the clauses he thinks you have breached if he brings an action against you.

If he refuses to provide you with a copy when you have asked, he will be seen as being uncooperative and not giving you an opportunity to act in accordance with the contract. xx
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
(10-07-2012, 12:06)francesca19 Wrote: I am trying to contact AW but in the pop-up window the send button isn't visible? Sad x

I wonder if you might have problems because of being part of a group? Maybe they expect you to go through your group admin rather than contacting them directly? I don't know, I am only surmising, probably wrongly. First thing to do is make sure you are going through the right process.. trying to contact them is a nightmare if you haven't done it before... look at this thread:

The instructions are there.

If you are doing that and you still can't send a message, try logging out so that you are not tied to your group.

The bit most people fall down on is that there is not a "send" button, as such. Once you have written your message after viewing a help article, you need to press "Close window and submit" and then you will be shown a list of threads which might answer your query - at the bottom there is another "submit" button and you have to press that or your message will not be sent.
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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Call 07856 061172
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(09-07-2012, 22:59)Trinity-Belle Wrote: I would say he is almost certainly bluffing... and more importantly, there is a concept in English law of an "unfair contract" which is meant to protect people from underhanded and unscrupulous behaviour like this.

Unfair contract applies more to consumer law than business contracts. I've seen business contracts challenged in county courts that are clearly unfair, and whilst the judge has agreed, has been unable to overturn it, due to it being a business contract.

The law seems to figure that if you are a business man/woman you understand any consequences of the contract and are judged to be competent enough to sign it, no matter how unfair.

Stupid, I agree but unfortunately it seems to be the way this country sits. I now no longer sign a business contract until I, and a solicitor has inspected every avenue of it, and either request a change of anything I don't like, or won't sign it.

Unfortunately, I learnt the hard way!

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