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Studio Groups Taking Advantage of Girls
Ok, so to cut a long story short - ended up talking to this other girl via AW e-mail for one reason or another, and it transpired that she is part of a group on AW and they take a 20% cut of all her earnings, for basically well, doing sweet FA.

I told her this is bullshit, never see her group featured, and they are obviously con merchants, etc. and that she should leave...

But she told me he has made her sign a contract and she has to 'work' a notice period.

Now, I've studied law, and I don't think this would be an enforceable legal contract at all. She wasn't even issued with a copy of it, which is also not contractually legally sound.

She also said that he 'won't' let her leave?

Admin is any of this right? How can she get out? He obviously will take all her credits (she doesn't have access to them anyway). But she can leave, if she wants?
Hi, your correct, none of its right. She can leave at anytime. AW rules say this also.

Best thing is to stop working asap for this studio. Open a new account, verify it and work. If the other profile is still active report it as a duplicate and give the reason its an old profile you dont wish to use, AW will likely close it or set it as content only she should be able to continue work as normal.

I should be moved into my new place in about 2 weeks and I will be putting up help articles around the recent number of bad/scam virtual studios (not physical studio buildings) appearing on AW, every other site is full to the brim with them but AW seems to have been doing ok until recently.
UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

I would just contact AW who will remove the poor little mite

Please be careful who you sign your profile over to on AdultWork; they literally have COMPLETE & TOTAL CONTROL over your account & can not only remove you from the group but from the actual site should they so wish

I hope this gets sorted quickly & the offensive individual running said group is removed from the site
Small update on the battle against scam studios here for anyone who hasnt spotted it yet.

In my help article on studios the good (safe?) studios/groups will be listed to try and help separate the bad from the good ones. Probably a piece of info on each good studio aswell to show their services.

The article will be changeable with peoples views in mind.
UK Office landline number is 02080508019 12midday - 2pm Monday - Friday

Hi ladies; I'm the girl in question who is part of the AW group that takes 20% off of us for doing jack.
I am very keen to leave and have been for about 6months, but am 'scared' almost; when I was conversing with curlytots I mentioned that I was worried he (the group manager) would sue me as he told me he tried/had taken legal action against another girl in the past for trying to leave and also, even if I did leave, I'm worried he will refuse to remove my profile, which would mean that I can't create another cam profile-which would be a shame as I LOVE camming and it's now my sole income.
I feel he has bullied some of the girls and scared them into staying.
I am desperate to leave, and am now at the point where I don't care if I lose my 850 ratings; I just want to be independant and earn 70% of my hard earned credits.
Maybe I'm too much of a wuss, lol xxx
That's awful Francesca, I'm really sorry. When it comes to suing you, would you be in breach of any contract with him if you left? Has he said what he would sue you for? And does he have your real name and address? I'm sure any action could be easily defended, I can't imagine any judge thinking that 20% for nothing is reasonable. Some actions can be blown out the water at an early stage just by dealing with it by post, and the courts bend over backwards for litigants in person...I'm sure he's bluffing.
Adultwork's Classy_Katy

On twitter @ClassyKatyxxx
There are mainly the two types of contracts: consumer and business.

From past experience, unfair consumer contracts are very rarely enforceable and can easily be overturned by a judge. However, business contracts, which I'm pretty certain this would fall under, is a different kettle of fish. Signing a contract as a business person, a judge would normally take the view that you are competent to know what you are signgning and to have understood any consequences of the contract. I persoanlly know of business contracts (not adult related) that have been challenged in court, and no matter how unfair they are, the judge has not been able to overturn them for the above mentioned reason. Harsh, but true.

However, in all the cases I know of, copies of the signed paperwork have been kept by both parties. Without knowing the full facts, I would have thought it could be argued that you haven't been issued with copies, but proving that would be a different matter.

When did you sign the original contract, and did it give a set period of time for the contract to run, or at the very least it should have a notice period you have to give?

He may be bluffing you. Ask him for a copy of the contract you signed. If he has taken legal action against another girl before, he knows that he would have to comply with your request or a judge would take a very dim view of his non-compliance if it did ever go to court.
I remember distinctly when he told me about this legal action he said he'd taken; that he wanted to do it purely out of principle. Come to think of it, I don't think he did go through with it; I am under the impression that to sue someone would cost thousands, and as great as I think I am, I really don't think I'm worth sueing?
I have subsequently asked for a copy of the contract, moths ago, and still not received it. It was signed...14months ago I think.
I can't believe I was ever so naive as to see it was a good idea in the first place (the cam group).
FYI, the group in question are Lucy's Babes
It depends on what course of action he takes with regards to costs of the legal action, but yes, he would still have to lay money out in solicitor's fees, court fees etc. which can sometimes run into the thousands, although sometimes can be done for hundreds, like I say, depending on the cirumstances.

Do you have a normal street address for the guy/company that runs the group? If you do, write to the address, requesting a copy of the contract that you signed, and send it recorded delivery, so it has to be signed for upon delivery. That would be my preferred option if I was in your shoes.

Alternatively, if you don't have his address, you could either:
(and these are only suggestions - they may not work!)

1. Email him, asking him for a copy of the contract within 7 days, and if he hasn't replied with the contract, follow up with another email advising that further to his non-compliance with your previous email that if you have not received a copy of the contract within another 5 days, you will consider the contract to be null and void, and that you request for him to delete your profile. I am unsure if adultwork could delete the profile in the group, that's for someone else to answer that know's more about the workings of adultwork!

2. Email and him and give him 30 days notice that you wish to end your contract, and request that your profile be deleted at the end of the notice period.

Hope this helps a bit.

PS. Did you physically sign the contract in fornt of him, or by post? Or alternatively, was the contract agreed electronically?
(09-07-2012, 20:57)curiousgeorge Wrote: It depends on what course of action he takes with regards to costs of the legal action, but yes, he would still have to lay money out in solicitor's fees, court fees etc. which can sometimes run into the thousands, although sometimes can be done for hundreds, like I say, depending on the cirumstances.

Do you have a normal street address for the guy/company that runs the group? If you do, write to the address, requesting a copy of the contract that you signed, and send it recorded delivery, so it has to be signed for upon delivery. That would be my preferred option if I was in your shoes.

Alternatively, if you don't have his address, you could either:
(and these are only suggestions - they may not work!)

1. Email him, asking him for a copy of the contract within 7 days, and if he hasn't replied with the contract, follow up with another email advising that further to his non-compliance with your previous email that if you have not received a copy of the contract within another 5 days, you will consider the contract to be null and void, and that you request for him to delete your profile. I am unsure if adultwork could delete the profile in the group, that's for someone else to answer that know's more about the workings of adultwork!

2. Email and him and give him 30 days notice that you wish to end your contract, and request that your profile be deleted at the end of the notice period.

Hope this helps a bit.

PS. Did you physically sign the contract in fornt of him, or by post? Or alternatively, was the contract agreed electronically?

If I remember correctly, I signed it in a hotel room, and he wasn't there...


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