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I am thinking of doing webcam on AW
Hi I am sort of thinking about maybe doing webcan on AW. I have looked a there are somemen that do it. I just want to do webcam not escorting. If I was to do it what are the steps to do it and how dose it work?
If you do webcam you have to be prepared to cam for mainly men, IMO
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Change your profile to offering services, add some images and text to the profile. Enable webcam as a service in registration details page.

To login to webcam here is a guide

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I've started doing it recently and it is mostly men, there is a bit of work out there but nowhere near as much as there is for women. I'd ideally like to cam as a couple as there's more interest in that but I don't know any women that would be interested.
(01-06-2012, 05:50)rockhard84 Wrote: I've started doing it recently and it is mostly men, there is a bit of work out there but nowhere near as much as there is for women. I'd ideally like to cam as a couple as there's more interest in that but I don't know any women that would be interested.

Well, what ever you do... don't go around asking girls if they would like to cam with you!

As for there not being any business....

I don't cam so I don't know much about it, but I would guess that there are two kinds of business. Some people will go for "new blood" (which is what you are getting at the moment) and then others will be looking for a "seasoned professional"... which you can't be until you have a) been around a while and b) have lots and lots of positive feedback.

In between those two things there is probably something of a lull which you just have to work through.

I don't know what it is like in the cam world, but there are VERY few successful men working in escorting. If you want to be successful then it is probably good to be in a niche, and to strive to be the best at what it is that YOU are offering. Work hard to write an appealing profile and be sure to make a big deal of your uniqueness (but subtly, without coming off as a big head. Feature your profile, work late at night (especially on weekends), be on-line A LOT and get yourself a good reputation. Oh, and be well hung, toned and good looking too - that always helps! Publicise your offering on twitter, facebook and a variety of forums (in forums you can add a link to your profile to your signature) to drive people to you. Donlt just use AW - there are literally hundreds of decent cam sites out there, but there are probably only half a dozen or so that seem to have a good reputation... so seek those out and be on them.

You can't just expect to tick the "offering services" and have people come rolling in! Men often make the mistake of thinking sex work is easy... well, it isn't. Yea, anyone can earn a few quid, but to be successful you have to work at it.

Take a look at this profile...

He appears to be making a success of it, so it can be done.

Yes, the vast majority (if not all) of your clientèle will be men, so you need to be prepared for that.
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Seems to Trinity. Most of his feedback is as a punter. :-P
(02-06-2012, 08:23)Scotty_Hottie Wrote: Seems to Trinity. Most of his feedback is as a punter. :-P

yes always something to bare in mind who is the feedback from lol

I had one guy have a show with me, he claimed he cammed too and did ok. When I say he did ok the credits he earned were enough to buy him a show with me.

The reality is us ladies are mainly doing it to earn a living.

Most men do it for kicks and won't work as hard as we do or want to put as much effort in. You're already aiming for a minority piece of the pie and competing against some male profiles who offer there services free of charge.

and yes dont go round girls going "do you want cam partner". We get it all day long you wont be taken seriously. How to find a partner i dont know but you'll only find one in a girl who is actively looking for one first.

Stop Escorting Summer 2013 so Book while you still can!
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The above is all very true...and if only I had a £1 for every guy who offers his services for camming/movies/photos/wants to be watched wanking for free!

I'm afraid I don't know how others find a camming partner...I'm fortunate to have my partner who enjoys doing shows with me when he gets the opportunity, and make movies too. Would approaching local escorts, who also cam, be the way to go? They may get tired of getting asked about it all the time too though and if they were thinking of finding a male partner, would probably have done it already since I shouldn't think it's difficult to find one.

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(02-06-2012, 11:03)iluvjem Wrote:
(02-06-2012, 08:23)Scotty_Hottie Wrote: Seems to Trinity. Most of his feedback is as a punter. :-P

yes always something to bare in mind who is the feedback from lol

Yes... although at a quick look his cam feedback seemed to be about 50:50?

But it is like that isn't it. There are loads of male "escorts" on AW, but usually all of their feedback is as a client!

I picked that profile because he was "featured" and did at least have some feedback as a service provider! lol
Transsexual working girl in Surrey
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