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Fitness for Purpose?
If you read my blog on AW you can get a rundown on my completion of the "insanity" workout. Actually gained 5 pounds, but lost inches. Now I don't use scales, I measure everything instead. That as some tough 2 months, but made me so fit that now me and hubs run 6 miles 3-4 times a week as well as doing some of the Insanity workouts to keep muscle tone.
Them there vibration platform jobbies come up on special offer on ideal world shopping channel every once in a while for about £320 iirc. Their stuff is usually decent quality
(01-10-2011, 13:10)digger1967a Wrote: I was just wondering how pepole keep them selves in shape, does any one have a particular 'regime' they use. I used to be a cyclist, about 20 to 50 miles a day, but injury knocked me off the bike, and I am now gonna stoopid in lycra, so my old support activities (Swimming and gym) look like they will be making a comeback.

So my main thread is

"What do you do to make u look/feel good?"

(That make me think of Heather Small, sorry I digress!)

Using the Wii!

Dancing on a Nite out!

Shaking my ass in the kitchen while doing the Ironing with my Music on!

X Box using the Kinect!

Walking the Dog Checkin out the Bitches Wink


xXx H xXx

Wii fit is good and it doesn't need a trip out to use it.
A Wii fit is good and it doesn't need a trip out to use it.
My daily regime of Hot Bikram Yoga helps keep me in shape, inside and out - mind, body & especially soul.

Nothing works you as deeply, thoroughly and completely with such hard core yet low impact cardio vascular & muscular strength & endurance so there fore bone mass building.

Love it!

When you are working out so relentlessly obviously one's diet has to be up to scratch so I go for high raw content to avoid toxifying as much as with processed diets.

You tend to find that once your body has purged itself of all the rubbish that you have been inflicting on it for years you can absorb so much more nutrients & need far less food. There is a lot to be said for LOWERING your metabolism which produces far fewer waste products than overloading ourselves.

RAISING the metabolism is really only good for eating more than we actually need!
I do 30 mins aerobics & 30 mins doing sit ups,weights toning etc. 4 mornings a week. Do it to keep my ticker healthy and myself but I never lose weight just stay the same but healthy body heatlhy mind! Always feel so much better afterwards too. Camming also helps keep me subtle with all the positions my legs get in!!!
I am quite toned for a big burd! But i do have a jelly belly but i blame that on my pregnancy and my love for carbs. I am 40 now there is no way on gods given earth that i am going to punish myself or try and lose weight. I dont drink or smoke or partake in recreational drugs, i am healthy with no medical problems except for pmt. I dont suffer from high colesterol or blood pressure but am borderline diabetic but that is down to my genes. Touch wood!

I have a four year old and she keeps me on my toes. I want to enjoy my life rather than limit myself as to what i can eat.
I used to be snow white but drifted...

lol kinky i call mine a buddah belly lol

my arms are incredibly toned ive got really broad shoulders to

i get wobbly bits but thats my bum more then anythign haha!


(01-10-2011, 13:45)Lady_Lust_XXX Wrote: Exercise and diet are words I do not allow people to use in my company. I exercise walking to the car which is about 10 yards from my home. Thats enough for me in any one given day.

I used to be like this... I don't religiously exercise now but living in London forces me to do ALOT of walking... TBH I personally feel better for it - I can't believe I used to drive such short distances in my hometown (i.e. to the corner shop and back - about a 10 min walk). The whole 'too far' attitude began for me when I had CFS - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, when I physically COULDN'T walk from the couch to my kitchen without being close to fainting... I think I developed bad habits there that just stuck...

Anyway... That's just my personal view - and I have been thinking for a while now that I need to get back into something... Before CFS I was accepted into Queensland Uni to study dance... Was so fit and not an ounce of fat on me... Plus I was far more co-ordinated as a dancer Wink

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