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We all have issues but none so more
She probably is a really nice person but very fame hungry.
I used to be snow white but drifted...

Yup, I'm not disagreeing CC, was just a bit surprised by her i guess
I don't mind women of any shape, but those fake tans look (i'm sorry)..... disgusting!

(04-10-2011, 18:59)curvy crumpet Wrote: She probably is a really nice person but very fame hungry.

And getting down to that size so quickly, I bet she's not just fame hungry!

Her gold paint was darker than the other girls. Do you think they were trying to cover her tattoos?
(04-10-2011, 20:53)SassyAnn Wrote: Her gold paint was darker than the other girls. Do you think they were trying to cover her tattoos?

I prefer the tattoos

We know you like tats MrS. We haven't seen any of yours though. Do you have any?
(04-10-2011, 22:29)SassyAnn Wrote: We know you like tats MrS. We haven't seen any of yours though. Do you have any?

You had a good investigate, don't you remember?

I only remember one outstanding thing about you. It must have blown my mind! Plus I have a memory like Swiss cheese.
(04-10-2011, 22:52)SassyAnn Wrote: I only remember one outstanding thing about you. It must have blown my mind! Plus I have a memory like Swiss cheese.
Only one thing? What was that (you can answer by PM lol)
But no, I have no tattoos, can't decide on the one design I like

eww thats just gross, would have looked better with out the fake bake. She was stunning before.
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