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How to get fun in the Sun
On a previous thread there was a little discussion about how things worked over here in sunny Cyprus and after being here for a few years here is my take on it.

There are four main ways for a guy to pay for a girl. The obvious way is to use AW just as you do in the UK, I think the population of Cyprus is around 800,000 and there are roughly nine girls, large parts of the island are not served, where I live I have a 2 hour round trip to get my girl. AW works exactly the same as the UK.

The next way is to go to a cabaret or night club, you choose a girl, buy her drinks for 20 or 30 euros a time and when enough have been bought you can collect her at 2 am. She is returned the following morning and given a tip. (The tip is all she gets). Care needs to be taken as some of the girls are trafficked. It’s also very easy to make a very expensive mistake. I went a couple of times but only stayed for 5 mins or so.

The third way is to get one of the local advertisers, they have pink pages containing the ads of girls and their phone numbers. They are mainly Russian or Eastern Europeans. The downside is that the majority of ads are in Greek and you need a map of the city in your head to be able get to the right place. I’ve tried it a couple of times and found it a very impersonal service.

It is possible to pick up tourist but I like people to be sober and not want a free tour guide.

Finally there are many housemaids and carers from Vietnam, The Philippines and China etc. They get a 2 or 3 year visa and there are very few men if any from these countries, girls being girls sometimes they get a little horny. They only usually get Sundays off and tend to congregate in certain areas. Some are flogging themselves like there is no tomorrow, some stay celibate and some just want a bloke from time to time. This is where I got my girl (or rather she got me).

So here is my story.

Having tried the first three ways with little success I decided to try the fourth. I heard about the places where the girls congregate but didn’t know where to take one. There was some mention of hotels offering rooms by the hour and an internet search threw up a choice of three, a couple of phone calls confirmed the prices and locations.

Sunday arrived and I turned up at the spot along with a thousand Cypriot guys who seemed to be pestering some of the girls, I just lent against a wall and watched, cars drew up and girls scrambled in, they arrived back an hour later and the girls got out and leapt into another car. Some girls went on a slow walk smiling or talking to guys in cars. While I was watching this going on a voice said “Hallo”, turning round I saw a girl leaning on the wall alongside me. Remember the girl from the Michael Caine film, I thought it was her who was stood beside me, she has long black hair and stands about 5ft tall. “You English” she said, “yes” said me. Next came a barrage of questions and got I slightly annoyed, I was thinking to myself “please p*** off your cramping my style and there is no way I’m going to get to shag you”.

A few minutes later came the question “you want girl” followed by “where you take her” then “how much you pay”. Very stunned I said 20 euro my brain was very confused and 20 was the first thing that came into my head. “40” she said. We bartered to 30 and walked to the car.

It was disappointing that time around, she lay like a piece of meat, we did swap phone numbers though.

A few weeks later having found how the thing worked and sampled a few others I was leaning against the wall wondering which one to sample that day. My phone rang and I put it to my right ear but heard “Hallo” in my left. It was her loveliness with a big smile on her face, the second time was better so it was moving in the right direction.

Over time things got better as we got to know each other, communication is a mixture broken English and broken Greek.

So now Kate here is the saga of the showers. Everything below has happened but not all in the same meeting or with the same girl.

I feel randy and give her loveliness a call, we arrange to meet in half an hour, she gets a shower but it’s 35 degs outside and by the time she has walked to the car she is dripping wet. (She won’t let me pick her up at home as she lives in)

We arrive at the hotel and exchange 20 euros for a key, while I’m locking the patio door she is sorting out the aircon, I’m fumbling with the key as the lock is near to the wall, she is almost undressed. My watch comes off and is placed on the table, she launches herself at me, her legs round my hips and gives me a big kiss, “I need to pay” you I say, “after” she says, she then wanders into the shower room and rinses off the sweat. Sweat is ok when you are making it together but it’s good to start off clean. 2mins later she is out, I need a little longer and as I’m covered in a carpet it takes longer to dry but there is help at hand.

We lay on the bed stroking each other, the niceties were done in the car on the 10 min ride from her place to the hotel. She climbs on top, her bum on my belly button and I reach for her breasts and make a nipple stand up. She looks down and in a serious voice says “you bring condom” “shit” says me. She has a glint in her eye, she knows it’s under the pillow. I pull her forward and feel her clit stiffen as it gets a massage from my tongue, there is an intake of breathe as she pulls away a little, I pull her forward again, another intake of breath and she moves way back, a nipple pops into my mouth as she feels under the pillow for the condom.

I move her hand away from it (just like she did to me the last time we met) Her head comes down to mine and as her hair forms a curtain around my head I get a kiss. She whispers in a husky voice that I can’t refuse “I want now”

This time I let her get the condom, I can tell by the way she rips the foil that I’m not getting a blow job today. No prisoners are going to be taken. Condom in place she climbs on and there is an initial breath as she slips it in followed by long breath out as she slowly takes it all, I’m not big but she is small.

She was squatting over me with her hands alongside my shoulders, but now she is moving position and things are getting decidedly wet, her head is on my shoulder and she is putting her knees between my legs, there is yet another intake of breath and her body goes ridged, (the first time this happened it scared me) it happens a second time. She relaxes and pulls my head up and kissed my chin (she can’t reach my lips now) she looks up my nose and says “I finee (sh), you finee (sh)”. “no” says me and I’m gently rolled over and it’s my turn. I need to be careful, I weigh 80 kilos and she only 40 kilos.

Starting slowly the pace quickens she goes ridged again, my end has also come and it’s my turn to kiss her, In that husky voice she says “I finee (sh) twi (ce).

I gently get off, and we lay there for a few minutes, the damp causes me to itch a little and I think she feels the same as her arm reaches across to the toilet roll placed on the bedside cabinet by the hotel management. The condom comes off and the area is cleaned a little, she vanishes into the shower room and I hear the water running, 2 mins later she is back wrapped in a towel.

She climbs over me and puts her bum in my groin, my arm goes around her waist. A few minutes later I hear deep breaths. The next thing I know is a faint draft across my face, her loveliness is blowing gently.

The towel is at the bottom of the bed. Even with the aircon on it's still warm and her skin is glistening again. A couple of kisses later and she is in the shower room again, this time having a good scrub, sometimes I may join her but I thinks she wants to sort herself out in private, next it’s my turn, by the time I re-appear she putting her makeup on again, I stand behind her trying to copy her facial expressions, she flicks a towel at me.

A quick glance around and it’s time to go, she is sat on the bed holding her arms out to me, I walk towards her, she can’t reach up to me so I reach down and her arms go around my bum, I feel the wallet digging in to me, bugger I haven’t paid her. She only gets around 280 a month so it’s important not to forget. I give her 30 euros and we trot of to the car, I take her to the dropping off place we agreed and get another huge kiss as she gets out of the door. As she vanishes around a corner I get a wave.

I glance at the clock in the car, from picking her up to dropping her off has been just over two hours, sometimes it’s only an hour. If you bulk buy it comes cheaper but that’s a story for another day.
I think the heat does make a difference and yes I can understand why so many quick showers would want to be taken when things are quite so hot, as it makes you feel more refreshed.

I have to say though, I am not willing to compete with ladies who are giving 2 hours for 30 euros, so that is that idea out of the window lol. It's a shame really, as I have lived in Episkopi and have very fond memories of Cyprus.
I don't blame you Kate, those are very rare girls and are very selective. Episkopi is still full of our military so maybe worth a try. It won't be seasonal either.
(01-10-2011, 16:10)A Bloke Wrote: I don't blame you Kate, those are very rare girls and are very selective. Episkopi is still full of our military so maybe worth a try. It won't be seasonal either.

I'm not sure I am brazen enough to do that. It might have been near on 15 years ago, but I was stationed there with my ex and worked within the barracks. I was also involved in alsorts of things voluntarily back in those days, so if there is anyone still there, I would be quite easily worked out.

I'm too loud to go below the radar lol.
Looks to me as though you may have a ready made market lol.
All the showering apart from the cleanliness may have something to do with their religion. I know every time a turkish guy has sex .... say half a dozen times during the night ..... then he has to have a shower before he goes back to sleep. Trust me - it is very annoying and I'm not telling anyone how i found this piece of useless information.
Contact me on 07591889797 for any details of services.
(02-10-2011, 14:05)Lady_Lust_XXX Wrote: All the showering apart from the cleanliness may have something to do with their religion. I know every time a turkish guy has sex .... say half a dozen times during the night ..... then he has to have a shower before he goes back to sleep. Trust me - it is very annoying and I'm not telling anyone how i found this piece of useless information.

Thai girls are known for there hunger for cleanliness too, so yeah it could all be part and parcel.

How much do the girls on AW charge?
I've not spotted a Thai girl here.

I think it's just because it's hot, in the winter things change, if you go first thing in the morning it may be just a quick shower either before or after, or as mentioned earlier it's good to have some fun in there as well if the hotel is half decent.

The rates on AW start at £50 for half an hour and go skywards from there, you can get an idea who is doing what by the date they last logged in.

There was someone who did a couple of tours but not around my neck of the woods, let me know if you want me hunt her down so you can have girl talk. I guess she will be on AW UK now.

(02-10-2011, 15:44)A Bloke Wrote: I've not spotted a Thai girl here.

I think it's just because it's hot, in the winter things change, if you go first thing in the morning it may be just a quick shower either before or after, or as mentioned earlier it's good to have some fun in there as well if the hotel is half decent.

The rates on adultwork start at £50 for half an hour and go skywards from there, you can get an idea who is doing what by the date they last logged in.

There was someone who did a couple of tours but not around my neck of the woods, let me know if you want me hunt her down so you can have girl talk. I guess she will be on adultwork UK now.

No you're ok, I'm not in the habit of contacting Escorts I don't know or have not communicated with before on a forum etc.

If I was looking at going over for a holiday, I might consider working a few days too, but I don't think I would go over there with the intention of making money. It all sounds a bit dodgy to me. Thanks for the input though, it has been really interesting.
I would not if i were you - as I understand it no local females work independently out there and there pimps would not take well to someone coming and pinching their trade.

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