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things that made u happy today
Thats a good point there Monty there are some very nice people on this forum
[Image: 1o8w5awg23aeedjpukvy.jpg]

did someone mention tongue lashings Big Grin
Who's gonna flirt with me though??? snot fair!
i will lol
but you are MrSmiths chief flirter, so you can't. You have monty to flirt with you and Ann has Froddo, which just leaves me and Emily. Jayzee tell DC he is neglecting his duties!
Kate I didnt think you wanted me to flirt with you???

As I am apparently a tart, that lets me flirt with more than one person Big Grin
I do sometimes feel a little left out Monty, It makes me feel like I'm the ugly duckling in the crowd, but I know it's only me being a bit jealous. Funny as I never get that when I'm working, but it happens sometimes on forums. I suppose it is a natural reaction to have and as you said earlier, one needs to learn to not take things too seriously and be happy for friends that are getting a little attention, as I'm sure they enjoy it and deserve it. We all need our egos massaging now and again.

It's being left out I don't like Monty, not being flirted with lol. I don't want to be Billy no mates sat in the corner, want to be in the thick of it and lapping up the attention. (see I told you I was greedy). Anyone would think I was an only child!
Well, as an only child I can relate!

Would be happy to massage you anytime - oh you meant your ego - oops lol

Dont feel left out Kate - I very much see you as part of the 'gang' that I talk to and flirt with and I am certain I am not the only one.
we dont try to leave u out kate
lolo the girls don't leave me out, in fact you flirt with me far more than the boys do lol.

I don't mean I feel left out generally. I just wonder sometimes why my sex appeal does not translate on to here. It's like a bit of me must be missing, as I know when I'm with my friends or at a booking its there in full force, but here...

The competitive side of me keeps rearing its ugly head and smacking me on the bum and telling me that I should be up there with lolo and Ann having lots of attention, but I'm not naturally good at complimenting people, so probably don't do anything to deserve it lol.

Had anyone noticed I have an analytic personality???? I must waste half my life trying to understand myself let along other people. No wonder my life seems to be rushing by.

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